Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Kicking Off Summer With A Giveaway

Since it is the first week of June i feel like Summer is really here. I don't know why but Summer is my favorite season, especially here in Cedar City. The weather is beautiful, the sun shines every day, there is always something to do and everything just feels happy. I have had my mind set on a huge summer vacation for awhile now, but instead we have decided to spend the summer close to home and you know what i am totally okay with that. So here is our list of things to do this summer and I can't wait to start checking it off! Do you have any fun plans for summer?

Summer Time List
play at the park// go on picnics in the mountains// take weekend trips to the cabin// hike all of the Utah national parks// teach Leighton how to swim// plant a vegetable garden// pick raspberries// run in the sprinklers// play in canyon creek// go to the beach// get a tan// go to disneyland// take our first trip to the zoo// host game and grill nights// run with the sunsets// enjoy the sunrise// go to all the town festivals// run in several races// watch fireworks// eat at the tiki shack// go camping// 
and most importantly... spend lots of time as a family!

Now for what you have all been waiting for! Lets kick summer off with a giveaway! 

Entering is easy, you can enter here on the blog or on Instagram, or both. The more ways you enter the better your chances of winning will be. 
Good Luck!