Showing posts with label link up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label link up. Show all posts

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Let Them Eat Out

This weeks link up is a hard one for me. We eat out all of the time and my secret trick to eating out? Leave a BIG tip. Kids are messy and they are loud and you just take it for what it is. Really though we travel a lot and we eat well. Food is our favorite thing and we don't hold back from eating at nice restaurants because we have children. Don't get me wrong, its not like we let them just go crazy but i don't stress too much when Leighton wants to walk in circles around our table or take a couple of trips to see the fish in the front of the building. I do tend to go prepared with coloring books and movies on the phone. We try to keep Leighton distracted as long as possible, eat as much as she can and then we plop the iphone in front of her until our meals are gone. Its probably not the most ideal form of entertainment for her but praise the Lord for unlimited data, right!?

  What is your secret trick to eating out with your little one?  Check out the other mama's blogs for even more tips!  And be sure to link up with us below if you also have a post on this.  
July 10:  Keeping your marriage alive with a toddler
July 17:  Favorite summer toddler activities
July 24:  Helping Your Toddler to Communicate (Words, emotions, etc.)
July 31:  Dealing with Separation Anxiety
Aug 7:    Car Trip Necessities
Aug 14:  Deciding when the time is right for baby #2 (and/or how to handle these questions)
Aug 21:  Tricks for eating out with your toddler
Aug 28:  Feeling confident as a mom (How to feel this way, Your struggle with, etc.)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

When Is The Right Time?

Once upon a time there was a boy and girl all they wanted was to have a baby. Eventually they did. Then all they wanted was to spoil that one baby forever and ever. Or at least for 3 years. Then all of the sudden the girl became very ill, laying on the ground cursing her morning chai latte next to the toilet ill and 10 months into their sweet spoiled babies life she told the boy another baby was on the way. 

True story! Kaden and I were just fine having one baby. We honestly could not imagine every loving another child as much as we loved Leighton and that just wouldn't be fare to our other children. We were convinced if we were going to have more kids they would't come for a long time. We wanted to have a few years to prepare ourselves mentally and financially for another baby. Clearly someone had other plans for us and we couldn't be happier that they did. Emersyn is loved just as much as Leighton. Our hearts have only grown with the birth of both our girls and now when someone asks when the third one is coming i just reply hopefully soon. Deciding to have children is a huge step, deciding to have more is an even bigger one. It is scary, you already took on a huge financial burden how can you afford another? (Children are financial burdens, sorry) You love your first child sooo much you cant possibly have more love left in your heart. What about your bond with your first and all of the fun things you do together? You just got use to your freedom and figuring out how to handle one, why give that up?

 I totally might offend people by saying this, but because you want your child to be a nice functioning person in society. Really though Leighton would be so spoiled if we never had Emersyn. She is already a handful but she would be a brat on top of it. I know a lot of people are only children or only have one child and that is great. We just personally don't have the right set of parenting skills to raise a good person with out a sibling to help teach them. Thinking of having two babies so close together seemed like the worst/scariest idea ever but guess what? It is the best thing that has ever happened to us. I hopefully will be done having babies super soon and on to a boob job and having my body back and it will be amazing! I am dead serious when i say that too. I also love the bond that Leighton and Emersyn are forming. They really do adore each other and they are close enough in age that they can grow up doing everything together. Choosing when/if to have another baby is very personal though and everyone knows it, but everyone loves commenting or asking on when it will happen. You have to find your own way of dealing with it. I tend to joke with people and say light hearted things like oh i have no idea these two might be enough or I love this one so much i dont need another. People don't need details they just want some sort of response. So give them one and make your decision with your partner and if things dont go as planned, just know it all turns out okay.
  Hopefully you can relate to all of these Baby #2 talks this week!  Check out the other mama's blogs for even more!  And be sure to link up with us below if you also have a post on this.  
Aug 14:  Deciding when the time is right for baby #2 (and/or how to handle these questions)
Aug 21:  Tricks for eating out with your toddler
Aug 28:  Feeling confident as a mom (How to feel this way, Your struggle with, etc.)

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Road Trip Survival Guide (from an expert mommy traveler)

We are on the go so often that sometimes when we load up in the car i have the tumble weed song from  Fievle Goes West playing in my head. Rollin, rollin, rollin, keep rollin, rollin, rollin, rawhide! 

Okay hopefully im not the only one that feels that way. Luckily i have been blessed with two great little travelers. These babes pretty much have been on the go, in the car since the day they were born. Both of them started their long distance car rides at just a couple weeks and the treks have just kept getting longer. Since i consider myself a travel expert i have came up with a few items that you MUST have to survive a trip via car. 

Lets call it the Rollin, Survival Kit
1.Back Pack To store everything in of course, 
2. I am pretty sure this is how miracle worker is spelled-IPad. I know this isn't in everyones budget but if you are brave and run errands and travel a lot with your kids I promise the investment is well worth it.  I can not even count how many times turning on sesame street or an app has saved both mine and Leightons lives.
3. mirror this is for the rear facing babes. It is so nice to know when Em is awake or not and to give me peace of mind that she is still alive when she has been quiet for a long time.
4. head rest this should be self explanatory.
5. coloring activities Hello best coloring inventions ever! So besides playing on the iPad, coloring can keep Leighton entertained for hours and the plus side to both of these, no mess! 
6. Mostly mess free snacks Because your littles will get hungry and you don't want to stop to feed them.
Even though stopping every 2 hours is recommended
7. Books Why not work on those ABC's while you have the time? Not only do we read but we play games. Find a letter or an animal etc. Its like having eye spy in your hands.

I'd love to hear what your road trip go too's are and don't forget to link up!
Have questions about traveling? Feel free to ask! Don't want to leave a comment?
Email me at

  Hopefully you can find these tips helpful for your summer travels.  Make sure to check out the other mama's blogs for even more tips!  And be sure to link up with us below if you also have a post on this.
July 10:  Keeping your marriage alive with a toddler
July 17:  Favorite summer toddler activities
July 24:  Helping Your Toddler to Communicate (Words, emotions, etc.)
July 31:  Dealing with Separation Anxiety
Aug 7:    Car Trip Necessities
Aug 14:  Deciding when the time is right for baby #2 (and/or how to handle these questions)
Aug 21:  Tricks for eating out with your toddler
Aug 28:  Feeling confident as a mom (How to feel this way, Your struggle with, etc.)

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Whats Separation Anxiety?

I am almost serious when i ask that question. Really separation anxiety is not something that i have had to deal with at all. Both Leighton and I came up with this understanding when she was born that we would love a lot when we were together and play hard when we were away. Okay not really but that is how it seems. My little Leighton is a social butterfly, whats the biggest butterfly there is? Maybe one from the rain forest. A queen bird wing or something like that, that is what she is. I can't believe i am going to post this on the internet, but that girl has no problem walking away with a total stranger. She loves everyone for the most part and really loves spending time with her cousins, friends and other family. Even her first week in nursery or first time being baby sat (at 3 weeks) she was like "see ya mom don't come back anytime soon." The lack of anxiety makes me a little sad at times but it is also a huge relief. I have spent several long weekends and even an entire week away and i knew she was alright. I hear a lot of moms say "well i am a stay at home mom so its really hard for my child to leave me." Maybe, maybe not. Personally I feel like a lot of it is in the parents attitude. I make it easy for both of us. Give me a quick kiss, have lots of fun, I will see you soon. I started our goodbyes like this since the beginning. I also really push building relationships with people outside of our home. Our girls love their grandparents, they have friends, we are social and out of the house regularly. All of these things will help them in the long run with whatever separation we may go through and the anxieties that can go with it. Sorry i can't be more help on the subject. I know it is a real thing, I know most children experience it as well as mothers and I hope that with all of the link ups today there is a lot of great advice on how to deal.

Dealing with separation anxiety can be tough for any mama.  Be sure to check out the other mamas in our series for their helpful posts.  If you've got a post on separation anxiety, don't forget to link it up with us below!
July 10:  Keeping your marriage alive with a toddler
July 17:  Favorite summer toddler activities
July 24:  Helping Your Toddler to Communicate (Words, emotions, etc.)
July 31:  Dealing with Separation Anxiety
Aug 7:    Car Trip Necessities
Aug 14:  Deciding when the time is right for baby #2 (and/or how to handle these questions)
Aug 21:  Tricks for eating out with your toddler
Aug 28:  Feeling confident as a mom (How to feel this way, Your struggle with, etc.)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Summer Summer Summertime

There have been few things i have blogged about lately besides summer, summertime, summertime faves, summer go tos, and summer activities. This weeks link up is all about favorite summer activities. So I figured i would just come up with a list. We have put so much time into celebrating this amazing season and try to be outside as much as we can. 

1. Park

Some of my favorite memories from when i was little were at the park. I'm not sure how often we were really there but i remember it like it was everyday. I love giving Leighton the same opportunity to spend time on the play ground. She is a super active little girl with way to much energy so the huge jungle gym at our towns main street park is perfect. Plus they give out free lunches during the week. Emersyn enjoys crawling through the grass and experiencing new surroundings too. 

2. Swimming

I gave birth to the two biggest water babies ever! I love it and they are the happiest when they are playing in a pool, splash pad or even the sprinklers. Leighton is in swim lessons already and so far so good, this girl is on her way to being a future olympian. Maybe not but we can hope right? 

3. Hiking

When it isn't too hot we love to explore the great out doors by hiking them. I pack Emersyn on and Leighton is usually pretty good at walking on her own. This is the best way to get out all of our energy and get an awesome work out. 

Basically we feel very strongly about getting outside, being active and enjoying the summer sun. I read the other day that vitamin d difficiensy is an epidemic. How sad is that? They try to blame it on sunscreen, but i am sure its on the lack of outdoor activities people participate it. So this summer go outside as much as possible. If you are living somewhere hot, then play in the water. Your kids will thank you later (probably not) but you'll love it when they are all sleeping through the night.

What are your favorite summer activities?

July 10:  Keeping your marriage alive with a toddler
July 17:  Favorite summer toddler activities
July 24:  Helping Your Toddler to Communicate (Words, emotions, etc.)
July 31:  Dealing with Separation Anxiety
Aug 7:    Car Trip Necessities
Aug 14:  Deciding when the time is right for baby #2 (and/or how to handle these questions)
Aug 21:  Tricks for eating out with your toddler
Aug 28:  Feeling confident as a mom (How to feel this way, Your struggle with, etc.)

Thursday, July 10, 2014

One Year and Beyond- Keeping your marriage alive

This weeks link up is about keeping your marriage alive with a toddler. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. Kaden and I have an awesome relationship but I have wondered what exactly we do to keep it that way. After two babies we seem to still be as lovey as ever. After paying attention to the two of us the past week I have came up with a few of the ways we keep our marriage alive. 

- We take interest in each others dreams. Kaden and I are huge dreamers and we talk about our ideas all the time. Our best talking time is in the car. It seems like we get a little one on one time when we drive. Basically we just tune out the two babies behind us and drift back to the time before they weren't around.

- We flirt. When Kaden walks in the door from work he is almost always greeted with a kiss. When i make dinner Kaden bugs me as he walks through the kitchen. We tease each other, call each other babe and laugh a lot. 

- We share the responsibility of putting Leighton to bed. This takes a lot of stress off of me and helps us to both be in good moods before we go to sleep. 

- We date. This is a big one. We love our children. Leighton and Emersyn are the best part of the our little family but time away is good for all of us. Dating after having the girls didn't come easy for us. We tend to do everything with the girls and we love it so we never even thought we needed more time alone. Then one day I wanted a break, we went to a movie and our lives were changed forever. Dating is the best thing you can do for your marriage. 

When you are chasing crazy stressful children around all day. Making time for one another doesn't always seem realistic. If you want to keep your marriage going strong, stay intimate with one another and have a fulfilling relationship, you have to develop a plan. For most couples i know that a loving relationship doesn't come as naturally as it did before children entered the picture. Being open with each other and deciding how you are going to stay close is the best way to start. When you are on the same page it is so much easier to know what will help you to get past the fact that your world is being rocked by a 2 year old. The four simple things we do help us to continue to grow closer and feel loved. 

One Year and Beyond is back!!  We just couldn't stay away from this awesome toddler series.  We've gotten so much positive response so far.  Motherhood can be difficult especially with a toddler at home.  So we're here to talk toddler issues, mom to mom.  We've got a great group of mamas who are offering their advice on getting through those challenging times with their child.  Be sure to check out their blogs and then link up your own post on the topic with us below!

July 10:  Keeping your marriage alive with a toddler
July 17:  Favorite summer toddler activities
July 24:  Helping Your Toddler to Communicate (Words, emotions, etc.)
July 31:  Dealing with Separation Anxiety
Aug 7:    Car Trip Necessities
Aug 14:  Deciding when the time is right for baby #2 (and/or how to handle these questions)
Aug 21:  Tricks for eating out with your toddler
Aug 28:  Feeling confident as a mom (How to feel this way, Your struggle with, etc.)

Friday, June 27, 2014

A Not So Normal Sleep Routine

Before Leighton was born i had a list of do's and don'ts for raising children. At the top of my list. Do establish routines for bed and do follow it to a T. I had watched as people around me figured out what worked best and what didn't with their kids, I read several books on sleep and sleep routines. My favorite book? Healthy Sleep Habbits, Happy Child. It made perfect sense to me. It described all of the differences in babies with colic or not, babies who breast or bottle fed and that every baby is just different in some way. I stuck to this books plan and life was good until life got very very busy. I stressed myself out way to much trying to make sure Leighton got 3 naps a day at least 45 minutes long and got to bed at the right time. I am not quite exactly sure when this happened but at some point, I gave up. I decided that my baby was happy and healthy and that she would sleep when she needed to. Guess what!? It works. Not every day is a dream but honestly when Leighton is tired she goes to sleep. If she only has 1 nap a day instead of 2 she goes to bed earlier that night. We are constantly on the move and my girls adapt so much better to traveling and a change of plans when they aren't held to a strict schedule, and so do i. I know this is not the norm. Everyone says put your babes on a set schedule. Children love routine! And its true, they really do and with all of my schooling in education I know how importnant routine is. I just don't keep a strict one. I know that an hour after Em first wakes up she will go down for a nap. Then she naps between 12-2 and again around 5-6 then goes to sleep at 830-9. Leighton is down to 1 long nap or 2 short ones. When i know she is need of a long nap i plan all of our outings for the day out so that we will head home around 1 and that is when she falls asleep. If she falls asleep in the car, she will be out for a couple of hours. Still all very different than how most moms handle naps but it is what works. It works not only for my babes but me as well. Fighting the sleep battles is not fun or easy, but finding what works for you is so different with every family. You need to establish the routine that works not only for your kids, or is what the best book every suggests, but what works for you as well. 

This is the last of the Toddler Topics link up. To read others take on sleep click here.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Who Has Time These Days?

I blog and I love it. I love writing down my thoughts and feelings, the adventures my family goes on, the sweet things that Leighton says or looks that Emersyn gives me. I also like writing all of the mundane things in between. This is where i record our story. It is my journal where one day my daughters can read all the ups and downs i went through and maybe they'll see as human. It is where i post pictures for distant relatives to look at and to keep up on how big the girls are and what they are doing now. I blog because i find peace in it, writing is calming and allows me to find perspective in the day to day. Blogging is time consuming and can be stressful but it is a priority so i find the time to write. Like anything in life it is easy to say "who has time these days?" We live in a world that glorifies busy and busy can be an understatement for a mom, working, self employed in school or staying home. How does anyone find the time? It is a priority so you make it. Personally it is easier for me to stay up at night and work during nap time. After i put my girls to bed and enjoy a little pillow talk with the hubby i head down stairs, turn the TV on really low and go over my list of things to get done online. It usually reads like this

- return emails
- make business cards
- write post - things to write about
-read blogs
- edit photos

Then i proceed with the list. Doing this keeps me organized and using my time wisely. If i didn't keep a list i would wander pinterest for hours, its like a black hole that sucks me in and next thing i know my girls are waking up for the day. So not only do i make time to write, but i make sure i write with that time. If blogging is a priority you will find the time to do it. 

I am linking up with Courtney and a bunch of other lovely ladies. You can read how they find the time to blog here.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Tips For Traveling With Littles From A Pro

This weeks Link Up just might be the only one i feel like i am an expert on. Traveling with toddlers? Heck I have been traveling with my babies since they were born. Having kids was not about to slow me down. Granted traveling with babies may be easier than a toddler, they can't run away and they don't scream crazy things like your hurting me when you are holding them on a plane, but you can totally kick butt at it, i promise!

Make sure your trip is littles approved-
Basically we have yet to take a trip we couldn't include our babes on but we did plan things to do with them. When we go to vegas we aren't out walking the strip at midnight or staying at hotels with party pools. On our cruise we didn't go to any of the late night shows but that was fine with us. Where ever we go we try to find things to do outside or that are new experiences for the girls. One of our favorites is finding beautiful parks or places to explore. We almost always visit a park at least once to give Leighton time to play.

Be organized and know what you are packing for-
No matter where we go I plan out outfits, how many days will be gone? I double the outfits. A set for the first of the day, half a set in case of accidents and half a set in case of crazy weather. Then I plan wether or not i need to take the essentials with me. (diapers, food, etc.) When we went on a cruise i took jar food, pouches, diapers, snacks everything. When we go to cities, Seattle, San Diego, and Nashville I pack the bare minimum. Only enough diapers to last getting there and the first night, same goes for food. A great trick i learned to get me organized for our first few trips, put each day into its own ziploc baggy, outfit with backup and accessories. 

Carrier, stroller, car seat or all of the above-
I do not travel with out both my wrap and the stroller. So far we haven't had to fly with our double stroller but i wouldn't hesitate to take it at all. We have always dragged along the car seat as well. Luckily we don't rent cars very often but we need it in case we take a taxi (only use carrier styled seat) or borrow a car from a friend. Airlines will allow you to check both a car seat and a stroller for free when a baby (under 2) is flying with you. I check the car seat with my bags and the stroller at the gate. This is the tricky part and where my wrap comes in handy. I wrap baby/ toddler on, throw on a backpack. (I always use a back pack as my carry on/ diaper bag when traveling.) Push the stroller down to the plane and that way i have 2 hands to fold it up and your babe isn't running away from you. Ta Da genius right? 

Dont fret schedules and bring entertainment-
So this one time Leighton watched Pocohantas about a billion times in one week. I am not proud of it, but i was opening the Nashville store and I did not have time to worry about forcing her to sleep. Kids do not sleep well outside of their environment, its just how it is. They will survive a week with an upset schedule. I promise. When we go to Disneyland the girls nap if they fall asleep in the stroller. No way are we going to skip out on hours at the happiest place on earth so they can get a nap in. Same goes with all of our vacation they do get their sleep, believe me when they are tired enough it will happen. Just be sure to keep other forms of entertainment on hand. Movies via phone or iPad, books, coloring, small toys, snacks,whatever will keep them happy. This way you can plan your vacation activities and not be stressing what times to do what because you need to take a 2 hour break in between or be back to the room by 7 for bed time. 

Hope these tips were helpful! Traveling with our girls is one of our favorite things, really. We have trips planned for years to come. Getting out of your normal surroundings and experiencing new things is one of the best ways your children can learn. There is so much culture and life out there to explore and there is no reason to not include your littles while you do. 

Read other bloggers advice on traveling with littles here.

P.S. Go enter my summer go t's giveaway in yesterdays post.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Unwanted Advice

People love to give advice. It's natural. It seems like everyone likes to think that others should do what they are doing, but it's more that people like to feel helpful. If you have had a baby then you know this is true. If you dont believe me post a simple question on Facebook epidural or natural?" Or a statement "I've tried for 3 days to get my baby to sleep and it's not happening" 100+ comments I swear. When you are given advice you weren't asking for how do you deal? I'm not great at this, a lot of the time I laugh about it or I tell people close to me followed by a can you believe that, or it's crazy. Then I usually realize their is some help in the unsolicited advise that was given. When I told a woman from church I was pregnant I got to hear for 2 hours how to properly have a baby at home. With out a midwife. I never intended to have my baby at home and I still don't. The hospital is plenty comfortable for me. But I listened. 

Before Leighton was born I swore on my life the girl would never eat sugar, ever!  I was really good about it until the day she turned 1. Then it was too hard to be a helicopter mom and tell everyone around me not to feed my child and to explain that although fruit snacks seem healthy, they are full of sugar. The advice I was given... Don't be hard on yourself when your kid starts eating sugar. I heard this over and over again and everytime I wanted to freak out. Sometimes I tried to argue but it was always better when I listened. Now Leighton might not be the healthiest toddler on the block. She is dairy free due to allergies and making her sugar free made for an almost impossible diet. She obviously loves sugar just like the next kid. I monitor her intake but I don't feel bad when she eats it. That advise I didn't ask for, well it happens to be useful more often than you'd think. Be a listening person and acknowledge what is being said. You never know if you'll use it or not. Heck maybe I'll have to deliver my next baby at home on the toilet, you never know. By listening you save yourself an argument and fulfil the other persons need to be helpful. 

Check out the other link up posts here.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Mommy Guilt- Feeling Over Touched

Do i feel mommy guilt? I have a toddler, need i say more? Oh and a 6 month old. That should pretty much sum it up. Mommy guilt i am sure is felt in different ways with every child and at every age. I honestly don't know if i ever felt it with Leighton until I found out i was pregnant again but i defenitly felt a form of it with Kaden after having Leighton, because of that, Emersyn is more of a miracle than you will ever know.

I have read several articles on mommy guilt just to make sure i am normal and so far i seem to be. I start to feel upset with myself when i wish i was working instead of at home, when i yell at Leighton instead of speaking with her calmly but firmly, anytime i have ever spanked her, and especially when i feel over touched. Sometimes i feel like this with Leighton and sometimes i feel like it with Kaden. It is a real thing, if you haven't ever felt this way then praise the Lord. Seriously. 

As a mom your body is no longer your own. I mean it is, but it is what you use to carry your baby, feed your baby, and put your baby to sleep with. It is your toddlers jungle gym and way of feeling loved. It is what you used to make your children in the first place, helps to keep your husband happy and your marriage strong. Not to mention its what you grew your children and used to give birth to them. Every thing you use your body for as a mom is so worth it and usually very intimate but can be overwhelming.

I had read about this problem before i ever had kids and knew right away i would be someone who had it. I am not a super touchy person anyways, i have a weird need to be loved through touch but only at certain times. I am not always a huge hugger and i am not one of those girls that ever held hands or linked arms with her sisters or girl friends. I do however need my husband to hold my hand, or kiss me when he gets home from work, or put his hand on my knee when we are sitting close. I have loved those things since we were dating. Now that i have children...sometimes anything more is wayyy too much. I feel like i am constantly holding Emersyn, nursing her or rocking her to sleep. If i'm not then Leighton is hanging on me begging to be held or carried around sometimes she even clings to my leg and won't let go. 

At least once a week i have a break down. I tell Leighton to go away, to go play, to watch a movie, do anything but hang on me. When i get to this point i have several things i do to make the situation better. I close my eyes, focus on breathing for a minute, then get on Leighton's level and help her find an activity she will enjoy until Kaden gets home (usually this happens at the end of the day). I love my daughter more than words can ever say, but sometimes i just need my body to myself. With Emersyn it is easier for me to just set her on the ground and watch from a distance. 

Now as for Kaden. When i feel this way and have had days where being touched is way too much for me to handle, then i need to warn him. Usually i tell him when he first gets home and asks about my day. If i say i nursed a hundred times and Leighton was all over me and i had to get her off, then he knows. In the beginning this was so much harder than it is now. Not wanting  to be touched caused a lot of fighting and hurt feelings. Lets face it men need intimacy in their lives, women do too but not always in the same way. When i feel over touched getting to the bedroom is the last thing on my mind. Kaden and I have figured out ways to deal with it though. We both love each other and want to show each other and the last thing either of us wants is for the other to feel like they aren't being loved and really you can not have a happy marriage with out touching each other. 

Now that we have came to terms with the fact that i have a real issue with this, we have figured out how to fix it. Sometimes Kaden gives me a break, he watches both of the girls and lets me take a bath, like a real one with out toys or childrem in it. I have time to wash my hair and even shave my legs and when i get out i have an empty bucket of touches to fill. I can put both girls to bed and let them hang all over me and not once feel a need to scream. This obviously works in Kaden's favor as well. And it is not that i get to take a proper bath, but more that i get some time to myself. To only care about me and not have anyone else needing something from me. I have found that going to the gym or on a run helps this problem a lot too. Again it is time to me, in my own space and I am not worrying about the girls. 

I have always felt guilty about this, and it has not been easy to try and figure out. It not only can affect my relationship with my girls but with my husband as well. It is one of those things that makes a lot of sense and that i am happy i know how to handle now, but that doesn't make it any easier or make me feel any less guilty over it.

To hear more about Mommy Guilt from other bloggers check out this weeks link up here.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Boobs to Bottles- Learn from My Mistake

Today's linked up topic is on transitioning from breast or formula feeding to milk. I have absolutely zero experience with formula feeding so i will talk about breast feeding to milk and you all can learn from all of my mistakes in this area. 

I have been blessed with the opportunity to breast feed both of my beautiful babies. I honestly was all about it with Leighton and so much so i was determined to feed her until she was at least two. I read so many great things about bonding and health that i was not opposed to feeding as long as she possibly would. That did not work out how i had hoped though. I started to lose my milk supply just a few weeks into my second pregnancy. Leighton was only 10 months old and i didn't even know i was pregnant yet. I got nervous and did everything i could to get it back. With out much luck Leighton slowly began taking more and more bottles, and by the time she was 11 1/2 months old she was almond milk from a bottle only. Not only was I devastated but Leighton was a year old and for the first time hooked on a bottle. (She drinks almond milk because she is allergic to dairy, and we aren't huge dairy fans anyways)

Break my heart here is the mistake i made... I transitioned her to a bottle. Wow was that stupid! Judge all you want, I have a 2 year old that takes a bottle every night before bed. I am a total push over but I changed her comfort from me to a bottle. 

Still I suggest breast feed as long as possible! The health benefits are out of this world. I know some people are turned off by breast feeding, it's possible to do in good taste. Use a cover or feed in private. If you are able it is the most loving and beneficial act you can do for your baby. It has been a beautiful and very fulfilling experience with both if my girls and not to mention it's saved sooo much money. 

When it is time to introduce milk. I think around 1 year is the easiest and healthiest time to do this, start with a sippy. Oh how I wish I would have. Milk or Almond milk is usually much sweeter and is almost like a treat so it's not that hard of a transition for the milk itself. But remember breast feeding is not only about milk, it's about comfort and attachment too. Help your child to find comfort in other ways than nursing. Introducing a stuffed animal or blanket is great at this time and make sure to still hold and cuddle your little one. They will notice a lack of physical contact if you don't. 

For mamas, remember this transition might not be easy on you. Your hormones will change. You might break out or feel very emotional. It is so normal, just be aware of it. You might be needing all the holding and cuddles you get from your little one too! 

When you get to this point I wish you the best of luck! How have you transitioned from breast milk to milk? 

Don't forget to check out the other bloggers and their experiences in the link up!