The weekend started off on Thursday right after class with whits little Bacheloret party. We had dinner at The Grand Luxe and went to see Phantom of the Opera. I think i could see it a thousand times and never get sick of it.

Then after Whits night i headed home and left for New Moon with Sarah, Jakell, her friend, Jessica, and Lauren. It was so good. Not comparable to the book at all but still just like Phantom, i could watch it over and over again and never get sick of it. Before the movie started though we were so entertaining. Lauren drank a rock star for the first time in her life and Sarah kept dropping everything and laughing at everything as well. It was a lot of fun and i am so glad i went.

Four hours of sleep later I woke and packed for the trip to Reno. I was going to the State game to take pictures for the high school and the Progress. The drive up was pretty fun until Sarah and Kaylee ditched me for X-ray and Zach. I drove the entire way and we didn't get there until around 6:00 pm. It was a very long drive. Once we got there Sarah and Kaylee left with the boys while Hannah, Katie, My mom, and I went to New Moon again. The next morning we got all dolled and warm for the day and went shopping. Seriously best sales ever. I got heels, boots, and some guess jeans that were only $25.
When the game started it was really intense all of the boys seemed to be on edge and didn't really know what to expect. Pretty sure everyone already knows the outcome but just in case you don't they lost. Truckee brought their game on hard and it helped that they totally had the refs on their side. Moapa's Defense did so well though and i was so proud of them. They were trying so hard to keep everyone motivated and to do their very best. I would just like to add how amazing my little brother is. Luke was extrordinary and honestly could have played the best game of his life. It was so neat to be down on the feild with the boys and see their reactions to everything and how the dealt with it. My heart really did break for them when it was all over, and the game brought back quite a few memories from my senior year.
After the game we made a quick stop for some Dairy Queen in Fernley and headed home. We decided to take the 95 to Tonapah and well of course no one told me i had to make a right after that creepy little town. (I'm sure it is actually really cool. At night though it looks like it is strait out of a horror movie.) So I went strait and ended up in Beatty then Vegas, it was just a little out of the way. I finally got to sleep at 3:30 after i drove the entire way home while everyone else slept. Never again will i make that drive. The weekend was a lot of fun though so i won't complain anymore than that.
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