Its the weekend before Christmas now and Kaden has officially been accepted back into SUU. I am still waiting on my transcripts to arrive, for some reason CSN thought it would be a good idea to drag my process out as long as possible. I shouldn't complain though i am the one who applied so late. So anyways about our weekend to Disneyland and the wedding. Friday after noon My family and Kaden and I packed up and headed to California. It took us awhile to get to Anaheim because we decided to stop and shop in Barstow at the outlets. There were amazing sales and we couldn't pass up a chance for some last minute christmas shopping. Then we made another stop for dinner in Corona at Chad and Daisy's home. It was so n ice spending the evening with them. They are so much fun and they are so sweet i love when we get to see them and their girls. Daisy made an amazing dinner and I tried Brussels sprouts for the first time. I loved them! Thanks Chad and Daisy for inviting us for dinner! I hope we weren't overly entertaining with all of our laughing and even crying. ( I cried because Sarah brought up an old memory of my cat being hit by a car). We always have such entertaining dinners. The next morning we woke and got ready and headed for the temple so we could be there in time for the seiling at 10:30. We were pretty bummed out when we got a call on the way asking us where we were because the sealing was already over. Thats right we were completely off on the time. Sorry again Brian and Tiffany, we really did want to be there. The lunch in was a lot of fun, we got to hang out with my cousins Michael and Kevin as well as Chad and Daisy and it was nice to hang out and joke around with them. The reception was beautiful and there was a ton of amazing desserts. Michael and Sarah and I also had some fun dancing like idiots while Kaden laughed at us.
After the reception Michael, Kevin and Camille all showed up at the hotel for a big slumber party. It was so much fun for us to hang out with them, there honestly was never a dull moment. My Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Heather and their boys, James and Justice joined us at the hotel as well. They kept the party going as well. James and Justice are always so much fun to be around and we always wish we could see them more often. The next day the real party began when we went to disneyland. Hannah, Katie and Jimmy's family were all early birds and hit up the park as soon as it opened. The rest of us took a little longer to get ready but we still made it before noon. Thats good for the Hendrix family. Sunday at the park was pretty packed but later in the day it wasn't to bad we got to go on all the important rides, like, space mountain, small world, the materhorn, thunder railroad, pirates, the haunted house, the tower of terror, star wars, buzz light year, soaring over CA, the two roller coasters at ca adventure, Mr. toads wild ride, and a few more. We also found time to eat a lot, get birthday and aniversary pins, it wasn't anyones birthday or anniversary but it was still fun to have, and best of all we got into pin trading. What is pin trading you ask? It is a hobby made up by disney to give people something else to do and spend tons of money on while they are at the park. My sisters and Kaden and I all got lanyards and a bunch of pins then we found collections that we liked and we thought were valuable and started trading the cast members for them. I know sounds pretty lame, and it is, but it does get addicting. So addicting that when we got home Kaden ordered a pin off ebay because it was the last one he needed to complete his collection. The other thing that we got addicted to at disneyland was searching for "Hidden Mickeys." This was the best, Kaden and Sarah have this competition thing between each other that will last their entire lives and Sarah though the hidden Mickeys were amazing (she even has a book on it) so Kaden had to find a way to one up her. So of course he used his blackberry to find an updated list of the hidden Mickeys. Hidden Mickeys = mickey shaped objects that are hidden on every ride, store and restaurant. They are seriously everywhere! Sarah's obsession got so bad though that Monday while we were leaving California and eating dinner with Jimmy's family at Red Lobster the waitress told sarah there was a prize for whoever found the hidden mickey in the menu. Of course Sarah found one and James had to break the news to her that it was a joke. Monday at Disneyland was crazy. The park was so packed that it shut down. The only real ride we got onto was Indian Jones and that was out of sheer luck, we happened to be passing by the ride at the perfect moment as they were reopening it. Otherwise the lines were hours long for everything. Susan, Cami's mom joined us Monday though and it was great to have them their. I love every chance i get to spend with Camille and her family. It doesn't happen enough.
Well the weekend was amazing if you couldnt tell. Thanks Mom and Dad for taking all of us! And thanks everyone who came for making it so much fun! We miss you all and can't wait to see you again.
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