Monday, July 12, 2010

Melissa and Scott's Wedding

Melissa and I have literally known each other since we were born. The picture above was us on our first day of Kindergarten. We were next door neighbors and our families were best friends. We did everything together when we were little! Seriously everything. The McColley family has been such a huge part of my life and although we spent quite a few years apart it seems like their role in my life is the same as that of anyone else in my family. It was so great to see all of them and to catch up this past weekend. It felt like we had never moved out of our Palm view home and had stayed the same after all these years. Melissa and Scott's ceremony and reception was so beautiful! They are so great for each other, even though i only met Scott on Saturday he seems like such a perfect guy for Melissa. Their son Aaron is just beautiful too! He was so cute and so fun i honestly hope my future children can be as cute as him. My Mom, Sarah, and I had a blast with everyone that we caught up with and on our journey down there. The wedding was in San Diego at a really neat place in the harbor. The reception was so much fun! I am totally kicking myself in the butt for not taking any pictures. I saw a lot of girls that i grew up with and even went to girls scouts with it is so funny how much we have all changed and grown up but seriously look just the same. We did quite a bit of ridiculous dancing and we laughed so much, hands down one of the funnest weddings i have ever been too. Melissa and I got to catch up at the hotel after the wedding and play with Aaron while he drank his juice baba. Its so funny because Melissa used to only drink Juice ba bas too. Sunday we also enjoyed an amazing brunch with everyone before we headed home. I really hope that after this our familys will start to spend more time together again. It is so natural and fun being with them and it is so neat having all of us grown up and starting families of our own now.

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