Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

Today Kaden and I spent the day with both families. Let me tell you, there was never a dull  moment. We spent the morning searching out the best deals for black friday with Nancy and hanging out around their house until we went to Ron and Joyce's (Leavitt Grandparents) for a family lunch. The lunch was great and it was nice to catch up with everyone. Thank you everyone who made food, Kaden and I were slackers and didn't bring anything. After lunch we played with the girls and all visited for awhile. Then the boys all headed out for a pretty good skeet shoot.
Alayna's first time ever asking to sit on my lap. Such a huge step for Leavitt mankind that i had to document it.

This is Grace searching for Kaden while playing hide and seek. Yea that is Kaden standing behind her.

Thanksgiving with my family is when things got interesting. We started out our exciting night of thankfulness with some sweet family pictures. Now i do take pictures and they usually turn out pretty amazing, but i take no claim to how these turned out. My camera was sitting on top of a garbage can on auto with a button in my hand and timer on the camera. Hope everyone finds these as entertaining as i did though. When your family consists of 4 girls and Kaden who knows what will end up on the front of the 2010 Christmas card.

 After family pictures we headed home for some dinner. Now mom said earlier in the week that she wasn't making anything because she didn't want to have to make an entire dinner and clean it up and not be able to eat most of it. Well i am sure thankful that she changed her mind because we spent at least a half our laughing around the dinner table before any of us could get the prayer said to eat. We have a tradition in our family (one of the few) of going around the table and saying what we are thankful for. Well this year we started with Pierce, he manages to sneak his way in to most of our holiday dinners. He even said the Easter dinner when he was like three, he's in the 5th grade now, so this has been going on for quite some time. Anyways here is how thankfuls went.

Pierce- family, heavenly father, trees and shade. (can you tell he lives in Moapa Valley?)
Hannah- that mom made dinner
Dad- Some of the dogs, none of the cats.
Sarah- her opportunity to get an education. (Dad added, and online bank transfers)
Me- (mom skipped me) Hey you skipped me! Mom- i know im hungry
Kaden- He said he was thankful for me (it made my night)

Then we proceeded to laugh about all kinds of random things and here is what came of that. Pierce tried to start saying the prayer but we all were laughing to hard to get started, over who knows what so after we all lift our heads and unfold our arms trying to get our giggles out Dad goes off with- I want reverence dammit! He couldn't even keep a straight face oh my heck lets just say even though our dinner table is always entertaining tonight was especially comical.

Well I am thankful for the time this day allows me to spend with my family and for all of the fun memories that were made. Now its off to bed to wake up in 4 hours for a day full of shopping crazy awesomeness!

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