Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Favorite Month

November 1-10


- So far it has been as busy of a month as October was. We have it planned to go to the valley every weekend for one thing or another. Ah who knows how we will afford this but its going to happen.

- Leighton and I headed to the valley the 1st, Thursday afternoon to get a head start on baking and organizing for Kaden and Sarah's yard sale and bake sale. The ride down was a little long because I thought it would be fun to stop and look for some cute new Leighton clothes. I should have waited though really the stores don't have too much right now. Friday we spent the day getting our bake on and man we really did. It was a lot of fun though, I only wish I was better at it.

- Saturday morning bright and early we all dragged our selves out of bed for the big sale. I was nervous that we weren't going to have very many people there and that we were going to lose out in money from it. Man I was wrong. We had an amazing turn out and the valley really supported Kaden and Sarah. It was sweet to see that so many people took an interest in their service trip.

- Kaden and I got the idea to sell pomegranates to help pay for the trip when we were down at Ron and Joyce's. We have done pretty good with that too and it had helped to pay for his trip which is so nice.

- We voted! Who we voted for may not have won the election but at least we went and put in our part. I hope that in the next 4 years things do start to turn around for our country. I guess we will see. There are a lot of people out there who have faith in our President and we do support him since he is the leader of our country. 

- This weekend Leighton and I went to the valley without Kaden, he had to stay home and work. Saturday was the Leavitt family reunion though, we can't deny that big of a family the chance to see Leighton so I went husbandless. The reunion was really nice, it was great to see all of Kaden's relatives. Really I think all the Leavitt men are pretty lucky, they have amazing wives. I love the women that I'm distantly related to by marriage. They are some of the most beautiful and kind women I've ever met. It's fun to talk with them and get to know them more.

- After the reunion Penn helped me pick more pomegranates. I hope he realizes how much I appreciate his help. I have orders for 18 dozen and I think we probably able to get all of them filled between Ron and Joyce's, Penn and Nancy's and Ty and Annie's pomegranate donations.

- Saturday night I got to my parents ward party. It was nice to see some familiar faces but it was sad to see how different the ward has become. I picture my old home ward to be one way and I still feel like I'm Laurel's president when I go there. I had a sweet moment remembering a ward party I went to in high school. As I put on lipstick and my jacket I laughed and thought of a Christmas party where Shalee wore some horrid lipstick and I wore the same jacket. We enjoyed the night laughing with Jace, Travis and Whitney.


- The photo business is not so easy anymore. I have never had such low prices and so few customers. It's hard times I guess. I just need to keep at it and hope for some up coming shoots.

- I am organizing my time a lot better and I am feeling happier because of it. I get my home cleaned, work done and do something for me time after Leighton is in bed. I am still learning how to be on a schedule though and my next task is actually getting ready for the day.

- I learned how to do a top knot! This is quite a big deal for me. Honestly you can not even imagine how many Pinterest tutorials I have read or how many you tube videos I have watched. As I was reading one the other day and looking at its pictures it just clicked and I did it! I may just wear a bun everyday for the rest of my life.


- I love November. After reading last months relief society message in the ensign I got so excited for November. I especially love the challenge I give myself to post something I am grateful for everyday. I feel so blessed! I know some people are skeptical of how I portray my life online but I honestly do not have anything to complain about. I am truly grateful for everything I have. To be real, money is tight but at least we can afford what we need. Kaden and I argue, but then we make up and make out. I am sick of school, but not of learning. Cedar is not my favorite place to live but it is beautiful, our families are close and we are surrounded by good people. I am not in shape but I am healthy and so Is Leighton. This list goes on but why think of things to complain about when I just have blessings that go along with them?

- I love that Kaden has been really trying to get his trip paid for. In case i have never mentioned this trip, Kaden and Sarah are going to the Dominican Republic for a week on a medical emmersion service trip. Sarah went on this same trip last May and fell in love with nursing, and serving the people of the Dominican Republic. It seems like such a special thing to have this opportunity for Kaden to experience helping people who live in such poverty. I am so excited for him, and it is coming up fast! I am pretty sure that they leave in 3 weeks.

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