Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Little Things to Remember

It seems like everyday both of my girls are growing more and more. They both discover new things, do new things and say new things and really I don't ever want to forget the moments of who they are now.

Leighton chases Emersyn and pulls her off the first stair. They always fall back in a laughing fit and Em eggs her on to do it again. 

Emersyn watches Leighton play so closely and then sneaks in takes her toy when she isn't looking, She always gives her self away by trying to run and laughs so hard she can't. 

Leighton carries at least 3 purses, a baby doll, doll carrier and a ball to the car every time we leave the house. 

Emersyn cuddles a blanky, leopard and a moose every time she gets into her car seat. 

When you ask Leighton her name she always says Emma and points to Emersyn. Clearly we still need to work on that.

Emersyn will clap her hands or click her tongue whenever she hears someone else do it. 

Leighton yells Oh Ship! Every single time she drops something big or runs into a toy, table, wall etc. (she is clearly her mothers daughter and clearly i need to watch my language.)

Emersyn goes to sleep so well she smiles lays down and covers herself in blankets. 

Leighton fights bed time to the death but just before she falls asleep she says "when we wake up we will have a fun day"

Emersyn wakes up almost every morning about an hour early to nurse and cuddle then goes back to sleep as soon as Leighton wakes up. 


  1. Oh ship!! Bahaha! Watch your language, momma!
    Your girls are so sweet!
    Please tell me you're coming to dance today?

  2. Love the pictures, and those two beautiful girls who wont stop growing!! Miss you guys!
