Wednesday, December 31, 2014

To The New Year

This year my word is… Live. I have tried to come up with a word that describes what i want to accomplish. Live is it. 2014 was not my most graceful year. A lot of it i straight up don't remember or want to remember. The rest was pretty great but still a struggle.  I want so much for 2015 to be magical and amazing and the best way for that to happen is to live it up.

I feel like nothing extra special has to happen for this to be a great year. I am not trying to diet, trying to get pregnant, aiming to travel the world, finishing school or anything else that would be big or super note worthy. A simple year is just as special and needed for all of us. I am going to live for the simple and special and everyday.

Whats your word or resolutions this year? Do you have anything you'd like to work for or change? I'd love to hear it. 


  1. My word is without a doubt "Smile" or "Love" I haven't figured it out. I believe life is better when you do smile or feel loved. Happy New Year, have you received my card already?

    1. I love it Melissa. I feel like smiling can help you feel loved. I have not received your card yet but i haven't checked the mail for a few days either. Hope it gets here soon, can't wait to see it.
