Dreaming of warm weather over here! Really i should not even say this because winter has been good to us, but these short days are giving me some winter blues. I feel a serious need for the sun to stay out until about 9 at night. That won't be happening for quite awhile though. I see a good spray tan in my near future and maybe taking the girls to the pool one day this week. Sunny days will come eventually and until then I am just going to be doing all i can to stay bright and cheery over here. You'll know I've gone too far if i post a bikini pic anytime soon.
Do any of you suffer from winter blues? What keeps you going when you start feeling the lack of vitamin D in your life? https://www.etsy.com/listing/199885069/inspirational-print-typography-poster?ref=shop_home_active_13&crlt.pid=camp.cLcM5p9STAuv
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