Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Vances Homecoming

Sunday was such a great day for Kaden and I. Vance gave is homecoming talk, Sarah spoke about the back easy trip, and my Dad is now probably up to be the next high council man (not really, he just spoke for 30 minutes while President Messer was on the stand.) Besides our fantastic time attending two sacraments, we had fun visiting all of the Leavitt and Alger family at Vances homecoming brunch and hanging out with my family for dinner. Easily i could say the two high lights of our day were Water ballooning with Kyle, Jessica, Vance, Luke, Penn and Nancy, and Sitting around the Dinner table with my family (it is always quite entertaining.) 

I had to post these pictures as proof that for one day for just a little while, Alayna actually liked Kaden!
With our luck she will hate him again next time around. For some reason the girls aren't to fond of either of us. We all know why grace doesn't like Kaden but i think i get dragged along with it since im his wife.

 Well I love these girls no matter how much they don't like me, they are adorable! I think its time to start spoiling them again. I took these pictures while the boys were filling up water balloons and everyone was launching them at each other.
Thanks Kyle and Jessica for supplying the launcher and balloons and everything!

Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day Dads!

We have been blessed with two of the most Amazing Dads. Our fathers are such great men and such amazing examples to us. We are so grateful for all they have done for us to help us grow and we are honestly truly honored to be blessed enough to be their children. 

Happy Fathers Day. We love you!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

We Got the House!

Our realtor gave us the great news a couple of weeks ago now, but we were kind of waiting to see if it was real or not. The problem wasn't that we didn't trust our realtor, he is great! We just were worried that it was to good to be true. It is real though, we are so happy! We are buying an almost brand new home that is 1700 square ft, 3 bedroom, 2 bath and half bath, beautiful home at an amazing price. It also has a fridge, washer and dryer, and blinds. Wohoo! The only thing we have to get now is a couch and paint.  I seriously have every room planned out already and Kaden has huge plans for the back yard. Move in day is July 7th. 

MVHS Graduation

Let me start off by saying, that Kaden and I are so proud of Luke and Sarah. We are also very happy they were in the same grade so we don't have to sit through another MVHS graduation for 4 more years. That might sound harsh, but it is the truth. It was probably a hundred degrees in the gym and all of the talks blended together, except for Heathers of course! We are so excited though to watch what our little siblings make of the rest of their lives and we are so excited to watch them grow up. Sarah is moving up to Cedar to go to SUU and Major in Nursing, and well Luke i think is still undecided but he is preparing for his mission and should be leaving next fall.

So going to graduation made me reminisce for sure! Now i know i just got done complaining about graduation, but seriously the class of 2007's graduation was the best ever. Sarah even came out and said "was that not the worst graduation ever, yours was really good." Maybe it was just because our grade was so close, or because we had 10 valedictorians who were all pretty cool, i don't know but either way ours was awesome! and i could seriously only find one graduation picture and its not even a real one. but here it is. Oh and a class photo too :)

The Highlights of May!

Womens Conference

The first week of May i had the privilege of attending women's conference with my Mom and Grandma. Anyone who has ever been can agree with me, it is completely amazing! I needed this trip so much. I had the chance to feel the spirit in very special classes for a few days and i took every opportunity i could to strengthen that feeling. The Lord taught me so much in this short time about what I can do to better strengthen myself, my marriage, my relationship with the Lord, with friends, with my family. I heard amazing talks, but the one that touched me the most was given at the very end by Sister Oaks. Oh my goodness, what a woman! Some day i truly hope to succeed as she has. She was a teacher when she was younger and now has a doctorates in teaching and curriculum and is on the board for desseret book and children's primary in salt lake. She was so fun to listen too though she was so sweet and really simply testified of the strength of partaking of the sacrament which honestly kaden and I need to do more often. Its been kind of hard not having a set home ward yet. Anyways, a few other things I gained a testimony of while I was there were, better supporting my husband and ways I can do that. Things I can do to reach out to friends or family members in need of help with out being pushy. And ways I can be more spiritual every day. I think I have done well so far in supporting kaden better, one simple thing that I feel has helped our marriage a lot is just making dinner every night. Before I was terrible we were lucky if I got dinner done twice a week, but now I make dinner every night and its ready when kaden gets home. It doesn't sound like much, but its amazing how it sets the feeling in our home when we are able to sit down together and eat an actual meal.

Kaden's Trip to Moab

The second week of may Kaden took a trip with my dad to a rzr rally thing in Moab. I was kind of nervous having the two of them alone with a rzr for so long but they had a blast and no one got hurt. Before they left, they fixed up the rzr and made it all fast and spiffed up and what not so they could race it against other rzrs that were going to be out there with rich professional racers. needless to say, they did a super good job on the rzr and my husband is amazing because he took 1st place in two of the three races he entered. They were drag racing and barrel racing. He couldn't have been happier and both of them had a blast! Of course they didn't take any pictures though so ill post one of kaden's winning plaques later.

Sarah's Big One Eight

For Sarah's 18th birthday her friend heather and I decided to surprise her with a trip to Vegas for a couple of days at the pool, shopping, and dressing up. We had a blast! My mom, Sarah, heather, and I all got a room at the Monte Carlo which was a pretty great place with a fun pool area. We laid out for 2 days and all left looking like lobsters. At night we went shopping and to dinner, the first night we ate at the Rio buffet which is always good, and then the second night we ate at cheese cake factory (only because serendipity's wait was forever long.) Emily came to dinner with us then too. I'd have to say Sarah had a pretty amazing 18th birthday.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!

May was an extremely busy month for everyone i am sure, but i felt like a break would becoming with being out of school, and i decided i was just kidding myself because i was busier than ever! I loved every single minute of my business though! I had 3 senior picture i was working on, prom pictures, family pictures and wedding pictures. I have never had so many things going on picture wise before but it was so much fun! I can't quite remember if i have mentioned that i got an extremely amazing new camera yet or not, but i did. The Canon 7D. Besides my wedding ring it is my most prized possession now.I hope to be able to stay busy through the summer so i can continue learning how to use it and how to be better at taking pictures.

 okay so i know she is my sister, but isn't Sarah just ridiculously gorgeous?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Still House Hunting

So for the past month Kaden and I have still been house hunting. We have two offers in on two different houses, and actually just put our third in today, making a grand total of four offers since we began our search. We are crossing our fingers for this home though. It is a two story twin home in a brand new neighborhood and it is perfect for us. 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath and beautiful! I have big ideas for all the walls and hopefully will have the rest of the summer to have fun decorating them with lots of color! Here are a few pictures of the place.We are so excited for it to all work out for us and for us to have a place of our own.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

Spring is finally here, there is no snow on the ground, the sun is out (for now) and the semester is officially over as of 9:41 this moring when i left my last final. Kaden and I are both thrilled to have lived through this past semester, thinking back on it i believe we will both try to shun most of it from out memories as soon as we move out of Aunt Dianes. We both feel we have been blessed tremendously to have been able to live in her trailor for the past four months, but it was not the best experience. We are so ready to have our stuff back, to sleep in our own bed, to eat off our dishes, and see our own pictures hanging on the walls. Next week we will be moving into a little two bedroom twin home right next door to one of the greatest friends ive met up here, ha Lacey and Devin will probably get sick of us and be really glad that we only signed a summer contract, but we are so grateful that they are letting us be their neighbors and live in the other side of their house. While we are living with their for the summer we have big plans on finding our own home. We have actually been looking for the past couple months and really exstensively for the past couple weeks. If anyone is interested in moving to Cedar, now is the time and we will set you up with our amazing realitor who has found us a way to approved on our own and has helped us to know what we should be looking for. We are crossing our fingures that the tax incentive will be extended but we decided not to rush just so we could get it. Who knows, there are 3 days left, maybe we our very humbled down dream home will come on the market today. So anyways, enough about our future home and moving out of the trailor. Kaden and I have about 1 month of spring to enjoy before im back in school and Summer starts. We are hoping to accomplish as much as we can with out missing work this summer, if anyone has figured out how to do this, please let me know.  In may Kaden is going to Moab for 4 days, I am shooting prom pictures in Vegas, and we hope to go to the beach with Lacey and Devin. Then June just gets busier. Vance gets home and we are going to go on a 5 day trip to pick him up, then i have a 3 day photography workshop in Bountiful and may be going to San Francisco on a girls trip for my sisters graduation. July we have fish lake, lake powell, and a trip so Southern California for a friends wedding. Well August has no plans yet, maybe thats when we will fit working in ;) As busy as this time of year will be for us, i am so excited for it.

P.S. I took this picture this morning, the flowers in the yard are BEAUTIFUL!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend was very eventful for Kaden and I. We drove down to the Valley Wednesday after class so that Thursday we could try and trade the King Ranch in. After a very stressful and hectic day at a Hyundai dealership in Henderson we decided we weren't going to trade in the truck after all and that we would do a nice little trade with Penn and Nancy. Yes we are now King Ranch free, Woo Hoo! (Penn and Nancy are as well, ask them about their amazing new car ) Then, Thursday night i went out with Whitney, Sarany, and Lauren for Whits 21st Birthday! It was a lot of fun, we ate sushi and road around in the Jeep ha. Then Easter weekend really began Friday when Kaden headed back to work and My Uncle and his family came out to the Valley. My Dad decided we needed to start our Friday off right with a nice off roading trip. It was so much fun! We took the boys (my cousins) in the Rzr, Rhino and Jeep out to Red Rock and hiked to Meadow that Sarah knew about it. We also hauled Tiffany out there with us and she did great. It was a beautiful day and everything was green from all of the rain the Valley has been blessed with this year. Then Saturday was a lot more low key, Sarah and I took the the boys and Hannah and Katie to see Alice and Wonderland, not my favorite movie by the way. Then Saturday night Kaden came back down for the family dinner and we played Apples to Apples with everyone. Sunday we spent the morning watching the boys have a huge Easter egg hunt and then we went out with the Leavitt family to see some petrogliphs Penn had found. The hike we went on was great and I got to take a ton of pictures which was really fun for me. I loved carrying Alayna around and I think Kaden enjoyed having Grace on his shoulders the entire day. We love actually feeling like we are an aunt and uncle. Also i got a lot of neat picture of Ron (Kaden's Grandpa) if anyone from the Leavitt family would like some. I am not sure how many pictures there are of him but i do know he is a huge example to all of his grandchildren. I thought they would be neat to have.

Friday, April 9, 2010

you know you live in a trailor park...

When your neighbors hang a disco ball in their tree. Classy, no?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oh Sarah

Me: Hey Sarah you should bring Whit with you to Cedar tonight.

Sarah: What!? I cant haul Whit by myself, i don't even know how to pull a trailer, and whose truck am i supposed to take?

Me: Oh My Goodness Sarah Whitney Bowerman...not your stinckin horse. Why in the world would i want you to bring your horse?

Sarah: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I guess i was just thinking about my horse.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Clark County Rodeo Queen

Wohoo Sarah Won! She did so amazing, and we are all so very proud of her. Her hard work certainly paid off. Although she doesn't have a horse, she won not only the title, but a saddle, chaps, all sorts of pretty things and an 8,000 dollar scholarship. Congratulations Sarah!

* ill post pictures soon.