Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Weekend Trip To the Beach and Disneyland

Well I hid behind the camera all weekend, but everyone else has plenty of pictures of them to prove they had a blast! The trip was so much fun and Kaden and I absolutely loved getting to play so much with the little girls. Saturday we hung out at the beach for a little bit and went to a fun dinner at Bubba Gumps. Then Sunday we spent the entire day at Disney Land. There were hardly any lines and we got to ride on every ride that we wanted too. Grace absolutely Loved the whinnie the pooh ride, and seeing all the characters walking around. The girls all were so funny and seemed to enjoy themselves, especially during the parade. The twins kept jumping around in their seats and dancing it was so adorable! I am so excited for when we all get to go again :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Moving In, Starting School, and Loving Amazon!

Last week Kaden and I finally moved in to our new home! Woo Hoo! I am proud to say that we are almost entirely unpacked, except for all of the stuff sitting in the garage that i don't know what to do with. I am pretending like it doesn't exist and i will probably hide behind my ridiculously busy life until it magically disappears. Our house might be unpacked, but it isn't finished at all. I am actually waiting to get some furniture (that i have hiding in the garage) painted, and my walls as well. I will be buying paint next week, everyone in the valley, home hardware is having an amazing paint sale on some good paint starting September 1st. I am sending my mom in the day it starts to get paint for every single room in my house! I haven't completely decided on colors yet, but i will post picture of everything once i am finished.

School started on Monday. Kaden and I are taking as many classes as we can and working too. Kaden can only take 12 credits right now since he is still on probation, but this is his last semester of it. I have 18 credits but i honestly am wishing i could take more.  After our first week of class, Kaden has realized that his computer class and his Spanish class are going to be pretty hard and I realized that my hardest classes will be my geology and Jazz classes. I am sure Kadens will be harder than mine though, i don't know why but this semester my classes should be a breeze. Which is nice in a way since I am going to have three jobs and i signed up for a few clubs and i really want to keep working out, but the same time, i really do like having to study for my tests and reading my books. What is the point of buying an 80 dollar book if you don't even have to read it? Oh well im sure in a couple weeks once my schedule really catches up with me i will be dang glad that i don't have to work too hard for an A. I have a feeling that this semester is going to be a blast! My sister Sarah is up here and Vance, Kaden's brother is living with us. Just this past week Sarah and i have hung out everyday, and for some reason run into each other on  campus at the most random places.  It has been so nice spending so much time with Sarah though, and knowing she isn't too far away if i want to talk to her. We started working out together on Monday and started a pretty good routine, I thought i was so from that, then i went to my Jazz class, which is absolutely amazing! We learned a 30 minute warm up for the first half of class, and then we worked on some floor work. I was actually surprised when i realized how much easier things are for me now, i am sure its because im actually in somewhat of good shape, but today i was definitely feeling some muscles that i haven't used forever!

Now on to my new found love, Amazon! I discovered this wonderful sight awhile ago when i ordered a bunch of lighting for a ridiculously low price, but i am not a fan of having to pay for shipping so i never really thought to order anything from there unless i absolutely had too. Then Kaden suggested that we get our books from Amazon instead of the bookstore. Well i procrastinated till the week before and was worried about not getting them in time and having too pay extra for shipping. When i finally gave in and looked, i figured out that i qualified for a free Prime account with Amazon, if you don't know what that is, it is pretty much heaven for anyone who doesn't like having to drive an hour or two to get the things they need. With this prime account i get free two day shipping and stuff over nighted for 3.99. How great is that! Well so great that this past week we have literally received a package on our front door step every single day. I not only ordered all of our books, but Vance's and Sarah's. Then i needed a planner, so i hopped on Amazon and got the perfect one. Then i was sitting in the office one night frustrated with all our random papers and ordered cute paper boxes (they should be here today), then i was sitting in our office thinking man it sure would be nice to have a desk, so... I ordered a beautiful desk for only 200 and it came with free shipping still, but not two day (it should be here next wednesday). Then just last night i realized that i don't have one single pair of Jazz shoes anymore so again i hopped on Amazon and I will have them before my next class. It honestly is like magic at the tips of my fingers. What a terrible obsession. I plan on quitting soon. Hopefully i do before my bank account makes me.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

House Update

After what feels like forever, we have officially closed on our home. Funding should go through in the morning, but we have already moved a Uhaul of stuff into our beautiful new home. After so much stress and frustration I finally feel like I can breath again. I'm worried this long process has taken. Everything out of me though. I swear I haven't had a day with out endless calls since the first of July. I just wish I had a day to lay in bed and sleep for 24 hours strait. Sadly that won't happen though, Kaden and I are headed to Vegas tonight to celebrate my birthday and then there is work the rest of the week and school starts Monday. Oh well who needs rest? Is anyone else excited for the fun posts ill have about the cute design things I have planned for the house? I am!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Family Lake Trip

Yesterday I went to the Lake with my family, not just my parents and sisters but my uncle Jimi and his family and Aunt Jody and her boys and Grandma. Seriously what a great day! We were pretty worried in the morning that it was going to be way windy on the lake, and it was pretty windy but not bad enough to keep us from some awesome tubing times, and yes, we got some great pictures so everyone can share in our experience. Sadly though Kaden couldn't come and we all missed him there, but he had to work and it is pretty hard for him to get two weekends off in a row. We all came home pretty sun burned and pulled in to the docks with a boat not running, but it was such a fun day! All of us cousins got thrown off the tube a few times, had fun trying to pull each other back on the tube, pushing each other off the boats, and trying not to get chopped into fish food when the propeller was still on and chasing after us (actually one of the scariest things i've ever seen, seriously thought i was going to have to whip out some major life guarding skills.) What an eventful day though, I would definitely have to say a Hendrix family success. It isn't to often that we all get together. The last time i had seen Jody was at my wedding and only Faylon came then. Luckily this past year we have had the chance to see Jimi, Heather, and the boys quite a few times. We absolutely Love spending time with them. I think now though its our turn to go visit them.
Sarah and James

katie dancing
Peirce being thrown off
huge wave
still holding on
Me being dragged off.
James is so proud that he stayed on.
dancing while tubing
Rowan, Aunt Jody, Faylon, and Justice
It wasn't to smart of us to stick sarah and justice next to eachother. 

Poor Justice ended up with a black eye and bloody nose from Sarah's heel.
trying to pull James onto the tube
He's a big Kid.
Then we all flew off and hit each other. All of us were floating in the water holding our heads it was pretty funny.
James and Peirce were the only two from the collision willing to get back on.

We ended the day with a quick swim before we had to get the patio boat back.