Thursday, November 10, 2011

So Much for Posting More Often


- I honestly can not believe that it is November already. I swear it had to of been last week that i said i was going to start posting more often and that i had realized i had time for myself on Tuesdays. I guess my school work, real work, and house work have gotten the better of me. Today i have a moment to breathe though and i am serious about it being a moment.

- Every weekend since Memorial weekend Kaden and I have gone down to the valley. Most of our time has been being spent over that Kirk home. This has been quite the experience and blessing for both of us. It is really so amazing to see a family go through so much and still be strong. Our faith has grown as we have spent time sitting next to Malcolm and helping the boys with whatever we can. We pray everyday that they may know how much they are loved and watched over and that someday we will all be able to see the meaning of things like this happening to one family. Malcolm has been strong and has honestly lived much longer than expected. I really think that he is holding on as long as possible for his boy.

- I am barely surviving school right now. I have absolutely no will to go to class or to do my homework. I don't know why but this semester has been so hard on me. I am sure its a  mixture of all the things i feel are more important right now. Only a few more weeks left to go and then i will be finished for a month and next semester i only have two classes to take which will be amazing!

-Vance and Teisha are getting married soon and i have been able to help a little with planning and doing their pictures. It has been so much fun getting to know Teisha more, i only wish that i had more time to help with everything.


- We finally found out what we are having and are so excited to welcome another Leavitt Girl into the family. I honestly thought the entire time that i would be having a girl, so did my mom and my dad and now that we know Kaden has confessed to it too. I know the entire Leavitt family was hoping for a boy but i really could not be more excited. I started planning the nursery forever ago and already started buying girl clothes. She is healthy and Beautiful, and even though everyone thinks that i am tiny, the doctor said she is the perfect size.


- I have absolutely loved feeling our little girl kick, i don't even care if she does it all night long. It is truly the most amazing experience i have ever had being able to feel her move around. I have been reading to her every time i read and i have been playing uplifting music, not sure if everyone else out there buys into the learning during utero but  i do think that it has been a great experience whether it works or not.

- I have also loved having my energy back. I have been able to go on some amazing runs and i really get excited about working out, for some reason it feels way better than even before i was pregnant. I really want to sign up for the next 5k that will be in saint george and i would totally do the half marathon if i wasn't going to be so far along by then.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesdays are for Me

Today on my way to class (20 mins late) i realized besides class and a chiropractor appointment i had absolutely nothing else to do, besides homework, but i decided i am not going to do any homework on Tuesdays. Every day of the week is filled with work, class, homework, practicums, and everything else i do. So i decided Tuesdays i am going to do whatever i want to do, i am going to finally clean my kitchen, make dinner, get my pictures hung in the stairway, and maybe even clean out my closet (anyone in need of clothes?). Whatever i decide to do im going to do because i want to.

So... so far today, i have cleaned the kitchen, started dinner, and sat on the computer looking a billion different outfits i want to buy (reason for cleaning out my closet) and searching pinterest. Thank you Jessica for suggesting pinterest i now have a new obsession.


- This past weekend Kaden and I went to the Rawson's cabin with them, my family, and the bradshaws for my moms birthday. I made Zepa Tuscano (spelling?) soup for dinner and my mom had a nice day of watching movies, and opening gifts. Then on Sunday Kaden and I slept through church so when we finally got out of bed we decided to do a deep clean on the house, probably not the most appropriate day to do that but our home is so lovely now, its amazing.


- I have learned all kinds of things about our baby. Im reading You Having A Baby and its so interesting. After reading it i'm glad that i have started eating so much better and that i get most of the vitamins i need daily except that i am having a hard time with calcium, any ideas for yummy calcium rich foods? I have such a hard time eating dairy, i have never liked anything dairy much unless its ice cream ha. I also realized this past week that i have to wait 6 more weeks to find out what the baby is because of when my doctors appointments fall. That makes me a little sad. I can't wait to know.


- I have loved how great i am feeling now that the morning sickness is gone. I can pull myself out of bed in the morning, I can get ready for the day, and i still have energy left over for all of the other things i have to do.

- I also have loved how much time Kaden and i get to spend with just each other. It is so sweet how much he wants to help me lately and how supportive he is in everything i am doing. I just love my husband :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

School Has Started and My Life Has Ended


School has officially started. The tests and homework are in full swing, as well as my practicums and the two knew jobs i picked up from the school. Today for the first time ever Kaden said and i quote "I don't know how you do it." Refering to my 3 jobs, 14 credits, two teaching practicums, and the time i still manage to make for the gym and dr/chiropractor appointments about everyday. I can not even describe how much it meant to finally hear him say that.  Kaden is working 40 hr weeks and taking 8 credits and it is going to be one heck of a semester for him, but i know he will be able to get through it.

I also had an amazing Disneyland trip but i'm seriously going to have to do an entire post just about it. My mom and sisters and i went to Disneyland for four days and it was probably one of our best vacations ever!


Well in the past month we have learned that we are expecting baby #1 in March! We are so excited and feel very very blessed for the way every thing has worked out for us. I am now just about 14 weeks and due in March. According to our doctor March 18, according to me probably a week sooner. We will see. Baby is healthy and growing great! I have been able to have 3 ultra sounds already and each time is so amazing, i love hearing the baby's heart beat (which is fast between 155-165 each time) and seeing the baby move. The past two times its been kicking and punching all around. It is so neat to see such a little life inside of me. Especially since the baby looks totally like a 3 inch little child but i barely feel like i am even showing at all. If it weren't for the morning sickness i had for a while i would be questioning this pregnancy all together. So most of what Kaden and I have been learning has been centered around the baby. We have gotten really into what is good for me to eat and not eat and how to stay healthy and in shape and how to keep the baby healthy. I have been able to keep running 3-4  miles a day and we have tried to switch as much as our food to organic and vitamin boosting as possible. I am thinking seriously being pregnant has made me be healthier all around and its been great!


We have loved having our house to ourselves, for the first time since we bought it a year ago. Penn and Vance moved out to a new home just a street over from us. It is great to have them so close, but especially with all my thoughts on baby its nice to have a quiet home. We have also had a few really nice weekends. Kaden took me to Vegas for my birthday to do a little shopping and go out to dinner with my parents to one of our favorite restaurants at the Plazzo. Then we went to the Beatty family reunion and even got to have Grace stay with us one night. Last weekend we went home for Bronco needs and I got to spend time with my mom and sisters which i always love to do.

Thursday, August 4, 2011



- 4th of July weekend Kaden and I went to the Rawson's cabin with them, my family, and Malcolm and Pierce. We seriously had a lot of fun spending time with everyone. We had fun watching movies, going on Rzr rides and watching people try to fish in a little pond we found. We ate way too much good food and we even took Tiffany with us. There are a bagillion pictures to post that will show more of our actual trip but i do not have the energy to go get my camera at the moment so ill post them in a few days.

- Independence Day we watched the Cedar City parade with Penn and Nancy, and Kyle and Jessica, Vance and the girls. Then we played at the park with the girls and then i'm pretty sure Kaden and I slept for the rest of the day. We woke up to watch the fireworks but decided we really missed the Logandale show. Maybe next year we will join everyone in the heat.

- Day after the 4th of July (yes July 5th) I decided to go to the gym before work like i normally do and got up like any normal day, got dressed, drug myself out the door, got in my car, forgot to put on my seat belt ( i was way too occupied with the radio to worry about safety), got all the way to 200 N. and College way, when i am stopped at a light and realize crap there is a cop and i don't have my seat belt on, I honestly debated until the light turned green whether id put it on or not, i decided not, i drive into the intersection, see the cop make a face of death, turn my head to the left to see why, and instantly think, that car is going to run a red light strait into me, crap. I would not say that it is was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me, but definitely one of the craziest experiences of my life. In moments like that people say they tend to think of dying or of their family, or something random they hadn't done at home, I litteraly for my you know .2 whatever seconds before i was rammed in the driver door by a chevy something or other car going 55 thought i am getting hit, no bracing, no anything. I think i just passed out. I hit  my head and cant remember on what, i tore my shoulder and cant figure out how, the door smashed my feet together next to the gas peddle and bruised my ankle and i don't ever remember feeling like i was being squished in. Of course as soon as it was all over and there was a cop in my car in awe that i was alive i was ready to jump out the passenger side and get out of the car. He wouldn't let me so i had a good time listening to the jaws of life tear my doors off and an ambulance taking over the intersection. Note for all you who still wear sophes, don't. If you are in an accident apparently they are the most embarrassing thing to be wearing Kaden said he wasn't even worried about me he just had to keep from laughing at my stupid cotton shorts wedgie from being strapped to the backboard. A few x-rays and 30 mins later i was released from the hospital and two days later i went to the doctors to confirm my shoulder was torn and just about every other thing holding my upper back together. Now im a bottle of flexeril down and feeling much better. I am sure i'll tend to have pain from this for the rest of ever but I can walk, i can think, and i can breathe i am doing great!

-Weekend of the 23rd we made a trip to Vegas with a couple of my cousins. It was quite eventful. For just a quick two day trip it was great, we stayed in a nice sweet at Planet Hollywood, went to the pool, and ate a lot of very good food. Pretty much Kaden, Sarah, and I focused  our part of the trip around what we were putting into our stomachs. We tend to do that when go on vacation good food seems to be very important to us. We also splurged and went shopping, Kaden got a nice Diesel shirt and i got a new pair of Toms and Kaden talked me into get Toms wedges they honestly are the most comfortable wedges i have ever owned. It was nice to spend time with my cousins and finally see Michael who has been in Guam for way to long.

-Last weekend of July equaled our last trip of July. We made the annual Fish Lake trip with the Leavitt family and Nancy's side of the family. It was very pretty and a lot of fun. It was great having Kyle and Jessica and the girls there this year. The girls always keep everyone entertained. We did a lot of fishing, and playing in the rain. We always love going to fish lake and seeing everyone and Kaden and I just have a thing for fishing.


- I am never taking summer classes again, at least not online ones. With all i have been doing this summer and everything that has happened i have been dreading my classes and i spent way too much time worrying about homework than i should have.

- Kaden and i need to do a trip just by ourselves, all the trips with family have been great but i think taking a trip by ourselves would be way more relaxing.

-I am never wearing sophes again

-I will pay anything for a safe car  ( see loved)


- Kaden getting another job, he works almost a full 40 hours a week now.

- Spending so much time with Kaden and family.

- Getting to go to massage therapy every week.

- Driving my new car :) Since my car was totaled we went out and bought a brand new Chevy Equinox! It is beautiful and it is perfect for us. Its all wheel drive and still gets 30 mpg and it is a total family car which is perfect since we are trying to start a family. When we got the car we loved everything about it, its 5 star crash ratings, that it comes with onstar, and that i have a video that shows me what i'm backing into. Kaden likes to complain about it but i know he secretly loves it or he wouldn't have told me to buy it.

- That Camille and Alex are now engaged! Woo Hoo for my beautiful best friend and the amazing guy who gets to marry her. I am so excited for the wedding planning and for the life they will get to spend together.

Sunday, July 17, 2011



So this summer Kaden and I have stayed busy playing, working, and doing online classes. Mostly we have been playing though. In June we went to Alaska for 7 days with my Dad, Malcolm, and Bryce. We went fishing twice, once for Salmon (we didn't catch anything) and once for Halibut (we only caught rock fish). We blame our bad luck on my Mom's brother Mike who took us both times.


 this is a black bear that was about 20 yards up the hill from Kaden and Bryce 
 As you can tell we were trying to be serious fishers

 first fish caught by Kaden

 Biggest fish caught by Kaden (of course)
 My first and only fish
 But i did catch the coolest thing ever, a sea cucumber!
 I dragged it right off the bottom of the ocean

We also went to my Dad's brother Mike's property about 2 hours out of Anchorage. We stayed the night up there, went four wheeling, made smores, and some of went to a small town called Takeetna.
 Dad sized four wheeler
 Malcolm did Awesome! While we were there, he was more active than he had been in a very long time. I had to post the proof of him chopping wood.

 Making Smores
 Getting ready for a ride

Elliot hanging out
 eating some more smores
 Malcolm knows how to camp lazy boy and a trailer
 Dad cleaning the trailer 

This little lake was made by a beaver dam, in the picture are my 2 new cousins Elliot and Nick and Nick's girlfriend Brenda. It was a lot of fun getting to know them and spending time with them. 

Fattest beagle Me and Malcolm had ever seen
We were pretty impressed by this ice cream maker
Malcolm was in love with all of the planes that were up there


I loved spending so much time with Kaden and my Dad, and Malcolm and Bryce, as well as my Uncle Mike and his family. Alaska was so Beatutiful! Here are alot of the scenery pictures.


While in Alaska i learned that Kaden and I definitly need to go on vacations as much as possible. Not only are they fun, but they let us spend time together and really enjoy each others company, especially when we are so busy with work and school.

I also learned that the next time we go to Alaska we will stay longer, and go to more places. We both would love to go back and are thinking we might try to with my family and the kirks next August.