Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Camille's Graduation Trip

(Picture Overload)

June 13-18


-Tuesday I Found out I had pink eye. Really? How do I get pink eye? Well i got on antibiotics ASAP and became overly obsessed with washing my hands. I'm literally thanking the Lord Leighton didn't get it.

- we packed up Wednesday and headed to Logandale for the night sp our drive to Lake Elsinore wouldn't seem so long. While we were there Sarah discovered Katie's watermelon patch. Holy goodness we were in shock. This planter has been in our backyard since our family moved to logandale 12 years ago. Every once and awhile one of us would attempt planting seething in but nothing ever grew. Katherine is one determined little girl though and grew these all from seeds. When she first planted them I kind of laughed and told her goodluck and not to let Sarah near them. (she raked my watermelon plant up when I was little. Obviously I'm still upset about that.) I am so Proud of Katie for getting these to grow, it couldn't have been easy.

- Thursday we set off to Lake Elsinore making a pit stop in Hemet on our way to pick up Bronco parts. Kaden was pretty excited about getting them. So excited that he convinced me to leave the stroller at home so they would fit into the car. Guess what we bought Thursday night... thats right, a stroller. It's alright though we needed a smaller one that we could take places. Thursday night we did some shopping with Susan and went to dinner with her too.

- Friday we headed to San Diego and explored Coronado Island. It was nice to just walk around and relax. Then Friday night we met up with Susan, Cami, and Alex for dinner. We ate quick so Cami could try to get some sleep before the very early morning graduation the next day.

- Saturday morning bright and early we headed to UCSD for Camille's graduation. It was so neat and almost surreal to see her graduate. How are we old enough for this already? (funny how I have a baby and think that.) I feel like every time I'm with cami I should be 12 years old again writing out our life plan on a chalk board for our Sunday school class. Instead those plans have drastically changed for us and we are both leading different but successful lives. The student speaker at her ceremony spoke about how everyone needed to remember they were still kids and just starting their lives. I had to laugh because at a SUI graduation that would never be said the majority of graduates are probably married there and already onto the adult stage of life.

- After the graduation we went to an amazing lunch at the cutest place called urban solace. Then we headed to La Jolla to spend the day with Cami and Alex. Before meeting back up with them we made a stop at the Temple. It always feels very special to go to the San Diego temple since that is where my family was sealed and where I took out my endowments. When we were done taking lots of pictures and talking to the missionaries we met up with Cami and Alex for a little window shopping. We walked around checking out stores for awhile and had dinner at a little taco shop.

- Sunday was Amazing! We got to sleep in, eat an amazing breakfast, and go to Cami's bridal shower. Susan, Shana and I had been planning the shower for the past couple of weeks and had so much fun working on it and putting it together. And honestly it turned out to be a beautiful and perfect afternoon.


- this week I feel like I have really learned to appreciate my friendships more. I think I learn this whenever I get to spend some time with any of my close friends. They really lift me up so much and remind me of so many things that I tend to forget. Like how to enjoy being around people, how to laugh, and relax. Close girl friends are the best! And how special is it to know that i have friendships that have been growing through every part of life.

- I am so excites to graduate someday. Not just to be done with school bit to have that piece of paper that proves I have accomplished something great,


- I love, love, loved spending so much time with Kaden, Leighton, and Sarah. We had such a fun time on our trip and only wish it could have lasted longer. Kaden and I got a long so well and really needed this break away from Cedar to focus on us and our daughter with out all the extra stresses. It was so nice to have such a laid back adventure together for the weekend.

- I absolutely loved watching Kaden with Leighton. It truly was so sweet for him to have endless time to spend with her. Kaden loved carrying her, playing with her, and bundling her up all weekend. He is always so concerned for her and makes sure she is happy all the time. I can't wait to watch those two together as Leighton gets older. There is such a special bond between fathers and daughters. Laden admitted to me today that he Loves waking Leighton up so he can cuddle her and see her sleepy smiles. How sweet is that? He truly is an amazing dad!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Full Heart

June 6-12


- This past week has been pretty busy. I can't quite go into detail about it yet on the off chance that Camille might read this post. I have seriously spent almost everyday texting the amazing Shana Hudson planning what i think will be the most beautiful bridal shower ever!

-Leighton and i went to work a couple of days last week and spent a lot of time with Teisha. It has been so nice having a friend and someone to hang out with. I will have to admit i will be very sad when Teisha finds a job. 

- Sarah and I drove down to Logandale for a couple of days and hung out with the family. Saturday we went on a shopping spree extravaganza. Seriously it was so cool it needed that cool of a name. Lets just say we all went with lists, and we left with lists plus a ton more. I got some sweet new running shorts, a sweet water bottle and an awesome breast pump. (Can you tell i'm a mom now?) Seriously if you listen to anything i give advice on listen to this all you future milk cows out there. Buy a super duper breast pump by medela. I tried to go the cheap route and ended up giving into the medela super pumper two "cheap" pumps later. 

 (Dad slept on the couch so Sarah could sleep in his bed. spoiled much?)

We celebrated fathers day while we were in Logandale too. It was so nice to spend the day with my Dad. Sometimes he doesn't think so, but he sure is the best Dad. He has four daughters and knows how to get along and bond with every one. He has something special that he has done with each of us. When i was younger i use to go to every race with him. One time we even drove back east and back in a huge truck i got to see so many things he really made me feel welcome and enjoyed when we hung out with all the racers. I know with Sarah my dad really got into the horses and helping her with her pagents and learning to ride. Now that i am older my dad reminds me constantly of how proud of me he is and how much he enjoys seeing me as a wife and a mother. It is something special to know how much your father loves you and that he is proud of you. I love my dad so much. I am so grateful for his love, sense of humor, and for the amazing father he is to not only me but to my husband and the wonderful grandfather he is to Leighton. I know that my dad is the best because he would do absolutely anything for any one of us and truly wants the best for all of us.

 (Kaden got a sweet hair cut)


- I am totally out of shape! I know i probably talk about this so much more than anyone wants to hear but my body is pretty important to me and not just being thin, but being healthy. I try so hard to eat right, and to work out and when i don't see results it is very discouraging. I lost my baby weight very quickly, my baby fat not so much. Yes, there is a difference, if you have ever been pregnant you know what i am talking about. The scale might say 130 (sorry for posting weight, don't judge. i may want to remember in the future.) but my stomach pouch that i have never had before and the back rolls that i have to hide with my cardigans definitely don't say pre-prego goodness. I have been pushing/wannabe running with Leighton in her regular stroller, i have given in and bought a jogger yet partly because she isn't old enough and my stroller has pretty good suspension so I'm not too worried. This hole working out with baby thing though has not done much for me. I know i am just complaining but i am very irritated by the fact that 3 months ago just a couple days before i had Leighton i was able to run a mile and now here i am 3 months later and get excited when i can go a mile and half without stopping. Pathetic? I think so.

- As i continue on with summer school every day i ask myself, what is this for? Why am i going to school when i have the most beautiful girl at home to just love and play with. I know why i am going to school, i believe in receiving an education and know that there is a reason for me to become a teacher. I use to think that becoming a teacher would be the most important thing i could ever do in my life to help others. Everyday for the past 11 weeks and 5 days i have been proven wrong. The very most important thing i could ever do in this life to help others is be a mother. Leighton teaches me the most simple yet amazing of things every moment i spend with her and i know that this awe inspiring little girl will one day go on to be some great in this world.


- My heart has honestly felt so heavy this week. It started with church last Sunday which i hope i already posted about, but if not... It was one of those Sundays where the spirit was so unbelievably strong and i had very specific things on my mind. For some reason lately i have really felt the love of those who have already passed on. I think that this is really because of Leighton. Every night i pray that she might be surrounded by love and that she will grow to be healthy and strong and that i may know how to raise her the way i am supposed to. With all of this that i pray for her i think the blessings of it can not be done by me, but by those who only she has seen so recently. I was talking to my mom about some of these feelings i have had the other day and she showed me this.

“I believe we move and have our being in the presence of heavenly messengers and of heavenly beings. We are not separate from them. … We are closely related to our kindred, to our ancestors … who have preceded us into the spirit world. We can not forget them; we do not cease to love them; we always hold them in our hearts, in memory, and thus we are associated and united to them by ties that we can not break. … If this is the case with us in our finite condition, surrounded by our mortal weaknesses, … how much more certain it is … to believe that those who have been faithful, who have gone beyond … can see us better than we can see them; that they know us better than we know them. … We live in their presence, they see us, they are solicitous for our welfare, they love us now more than ever. For now they see the dangers that beset us; … their love for us and their desire for our well being must be greater than that which we feel for ourselves.” - Joseph F. Smith

This was actually from this talk, by President Richard G. Scott, but how amazing is that!? I felt like it really proved exactly what i had been thinking. All the amazing people who i have loved and have loved me who are no longer with me are still around me, everyday. Supporting me, guiding me, and loving me. I feel like even more than me, they are guiding Leighton. I strongly believe that the veil is thin and even more so for Leighton. When she stares off and is smiling and talking to what seems like herself i wonder who is there. Some times i think i know, and yes i think i am probably usually right. So many wonderful people who have taught me how to live and love and grow are now doing the same for my wonderful daughter but from the other side. If you do not have the same beliefs as me i am sure this must all sound very strange. I know for myself though that this is so real and these feelings have been swelling in my heart. Partly because i have been reading this blog. If you haven't please do. If you are a mother, and probably even if you aren't be prepared to cry. But also be prepared to learn and to feel. This woman has a very tragic story to tell but a wonderful message to share. Her sister in law is one of my parents neighbors and a dear friend and example to me. I am so grateful that she shared this blog. It will forever be something i love to read.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Just the past few weeks

May 15- June 6


- Now that it's been over a week since my last post I literally can't remember what I did in the past 3 weeks. I started working again, I started Leighton on a sleep schedule and I have been outside whenever it isn't windy. Besides that not a lot has happened.
Hanging out at the day care
trying out the swaddle again
going for walks the right way

- Sarah went to the Dominican Republic a few weeks ago working in a health clinic. It was so neat to hear all about what she did and now I am praying Kaden will have an opportunity to be part of Rural Health Scholars and to go on one of these trips.

- Leighton and I went back down to the valley on Friday the 18 and made a little pit stop on our way at GAP. I pretty much scored. Then Saturday we went and watched Graces dance recital, which was adorable, and went to Randy and Ariel's wedding. It was nice to see some friends from high school and catch up a little. Sunday night we had a little birthday party for Sarah at my parents and had the Hymas family, Joe and Tosh and Bryce and Grandma Handy over. It was fun to spend time with everyone and hear all about Sarah's trip. Leighton got passed around quite a bit and soaked up some sun watching Caiden, Mason and Pierce play in the little water that was filling up in the pool. We must have been having fun because we totally missed the eclipse. Thank goodness for instagram because I saw my share of eclipse pictures.
Happy Birthday Sarah
Leighton with Auntie Katie
The many faves of Pierce

- Kyle and Jessica and the girls came up for part of the weekend a couple weeks ago. It was fun to be able to see the girls so much. Leighton thinks they are all pretty entertaining and they absolutely love her. 

This was Leighton after her first set of vaccinations 
(i really don't want to talk about how horrible they were)


- I finally went and met with my advisor which was really good. She convinced me to not quit now on my major. It may take me awhile to finally graduate ( class of 2014) I might cry if I dwell on that too much. But I hardly have any credits left and I will have lots of time to spend with Leighton. I started my summer classes and to my surprise they are so much easier to me. It's nice when I find my potential to learn and can see for myself that I'm able to focus on my classes still.

- I feel like I have really learned the past few weeks the importance of attending church each Sunday. I gone every week since Kaden started this horrible shift that makes him work Sundays. Going alone with Leighton isnt hard, it's going and feeling the spirit and learning of the gospel knowing Kaden isn't able to hear what I am or feel what I feel because he is at work. I never realized before what a special thing it is to attend church as a family. After Sarah got back from her trip I really felt strongly that Kaden needed to become part of this group,it offers everything that he hopes to do and seems absolutely perfect for him. In order to join though Kaden will need to be able to focus on school and to focus on school he will have to quit his job. So the plan is... Spring of 2013 we will both be full time students. It will be totally crazy but completely worth it.
he is such a hard worker but

this job cannot be healthy for him. 


- I have finally found some friends! This is pretty much an act of God, I have lived here in Cedar for 2 1/2 years and finally have girls to hang out with. We have done a girls day twice now and hopefully will this week too. Teisha and Courtney are so laid back and we seriously can all talk for hours. The fist time we hung out we went to Lunch at the All American Diner and stayed until dinner so we had our husbands come meet us and they ate dinner. It was pretty funny when we realized we were there for almost 5 hours.

Leighton about 4 hours in to our first girls day.

- I have also loved being back to work and starting my classes. I feel like I am accomplishing something everyday now and for some reason the busier I am the easier it is to get things done. Even with little Leighton taking up my time I still fit everything I need to do in.

- Of course I love my time with Leighton. It's such a blessing that I can take her to work with me. She does so good and I feel like it is good for her to already get some interaction with other babies. I worry about her being antisocial or for being social to be something that doesn't come easily for her. Yes she is only 11 weeks old and I already worry about these crazy things.
She is growing so fast it is crazy. On Sunday she stated pulling her Binki out of her mouth and trying to put it back in. She tries so hard to roll over and gets frustrated that she can't and she does the same thing about sitting up. Uh seriously can 3 month olds sit up on their own? She really tries. Of course I also swear she will start crawling any day now too. Some how she can really move quite a ways and in circles when she does tummy time. Can you tell I'm quite impressed with her. Everything she does is just amazing to me.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Thinking Too Much

May 7-14


- Tuesday i finally finished taking Braden's senior pictures and headed back to Cedar with Sarah. Its a miracle, tomorrow it will be an entire week since i was in the valley.

- Wednesday Kaden, Leighton and I packed up and headed to Provo. It was nice to be going on a little trip together even if it was just to pick up Bronco parts. At least that made it exciting for Kaden. We drove up picked up the parts, went to dinner with Whitney, and then hung out with her and Bradon at our hotel, staid the night, went to ikea and winco (Kaden wasn't as impressed as i thought he would be) and then headed home. Very quick trip but nice to be together.

- Friday we finally went and saw Avengers. We didn't get a ticket on our way this time and we were 15 minutes early. It really so nice to be on time for things. The movie was amazing just like we thought it would be, and Leighton did great through it. I actually think the movie was a little too loud for her, but she slept through the entire thing.

-Saturday and Sunday Kaden had to work. So Saturday i slept in, cleaned a little, and worked on pictures. All in between Leighton's thousands of feedings. I swear she goes through a growth spurt every week where she literally wants to eat every hour. She definitely is a little piglet. Sunday Leighton and I went to church and then drove down and met my parents in Saint George after relief society. It was so nice to spend Mothers Day with my mom and even my grandma. I only wish Kaden would have been there. Actually i wish Kaden would have just remembered it was Mothers Day. I waited all day for him to get home so i could open my gift with him there, instead he came home took a shower and went to bed. Needless to say i was not very happy. I told him today could be a do over, we will see what happens i guess.
Waking up happy at 11:30

Editing pictures with Leighton and Tiffany


- So i have come to realize that i am completely ready to graduate. Not in two years when i will be able to even though i only have 9 credits left to take for an Elementary Education major, but like right now. Wednesday i go in to meet with my councilor about my graduation options. I really don't care to teach anytime soon because all i really want to do is be a mom for now. So we will see what happens, but i have been thinking about this way too much lately. I pray and think, pray and think, and then i feel like i am going crazy. Every time i make a decision i feel comfortable with it except with adding another two years to finish 9 credits. I almost might as well graduate and go straight to a masters program if i want to take that long to graduate.


- I truly love being a mom. I absolutely could not imagine a life with out my daughter or a life of doing anything else. I know i have only been a mom for just over 7 weeks now but it is truly the most fulfilling and loving experience no matter how hard it is sometimes. I am sure i will have my share of frustrations and wants of my own while raising Leighton, but i cant ever imagine putting anything before her needs or wants. She is beautiful and perfect to me.

Mothers day gift to myself- fitting into pre prego jeans for the first time.

- I Love my mom! She has taught me so much in my life and has always been there for me. When i look back at being little and the things i did with my mom i don't remember things like her teaching me how to tie my shoes or braid my hair, but i remember cuddling with her on the couch or in our old blue chair or her letting me explore and play with bugs and have a billion cats and her teaching me to love through her love and example to me. As i got older my mom became my best friend. In high school i didn't always tell her everything but i knew she would listen and be understanding when i did. When i moved away after high school i started talking to my mom at least every day. Now that i am married and have my own daughter she has been there to help me as much as i would ask. I couldn't imagine a better mother for me. I love her so much and i am so grateful for her.

- I Love my mother in law as well. She has raised such an amazing son who is hard working and wants nothing but the best for his family. She is such a great example to me of sacrifice and love, i couldn't imagine raising four boys and not getting to have a daughter. Luckily she is blessed with all grand daughters so far. She is always there for me to talk to and has supported me and Kaden in our decisions. I am so grateful to be her daughter now. I am also grateful that she was in tune with the spirit enough to know that she should set me and Kaden up together while he was on his mission. With out her doing that i am sure Kaden and I would have never ended up together.