Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Intrudor in Aunt Dianes House...

For the past week Kaden thought i was going crazy. At night when we would be watching TV i would hear strange noises and make him turn off the TV and listen for them. Of course the noise would never happen then and Kaden would tell me i am paranoid, which i know that i can be so i would dismiss the noise and try to forget about it. Then Saturday night i heard a huge crashing noise from the kitchen and then weird noises from under our bed, honestly i usually would freak out and think someone was breaking into the house  except for i had already convinced myself that i was crazy just like Kaden said. Sunday evening my craziness was proven to be illegitimate. As Kaden and i were watching TV just like every night we started to hear a weird, loud, scrapping type of noise in the kitchen. I made Kaden go investigate...i knew i wasn't crazy. Kaden screamed OH MY GOSH! Can anyone guess what it was?....Thats right, it was a mouse! and it was dragging a spoon from the kitchen into its home. Kaden instantly made it his goal to investiage and terminate. The mouse had no chance, Kaden went all out putting on shoes and even a head light to find this thing. Then at 12:00 at night Kaden went to walmart to buy traps. At first this mouse was smart and didn't take the bate but after a day of being taunted by the beautiful cheese....well lets just say we woke up to an amazing noise this morning. The sound of a snapping trap.

1 comment:

  1. haha i wanna come visit aunt dianes house... lol i love it!!!
