Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Another Semester Begins

January 1- 10


Kaden is a student, again! He started his first semester off by diving strait into anatomy, psycho social athletics, and the rest of his generals. I am so proud of him and so glad i am able to take a breather semester and cheer him on!

Leighton is still not walking but she is managing to get into ev-ery- thing! She also has her second ear infection. Poor girl.

We've been dreaming of warmer days. It has been in the negatives here and never higher than 20 as far as i can remember for the past few weeks. It is freezing, and even with the sun shining the snow doesn't leave. I feel like it is one of those bitter winters. We are stocking up on Vitamin D and i may need to get a few tans in.

Sarah and I tried to take outfit of the day photos for instagram. It was quite the experience. We may need to take some lessons before we try this again, and we wont be using our iphones.


I'm actually not going to graduate in the spring. I will start school again this summer. And I will take this time to build up my photography business.

Building a website is not easy! I finally paid someone to do it for me. I will launch sweetwishesphoto.com on Wednesday.

"No spend months" are not for us. We lasted 11 days and then gave up. Luckily we did save a little in that 11 days.


Finding this at Bulloch Drug. I can not wait for our anniversary. We have almost been married for 4 years.

Watching Leighton move into a new stage of learning. Honestly this girl spear teachable at the moment. She started crawling down the stairs, the next day she started stepping down them. She waves goodbye, and says all done in baby sign language.

I love these two. They are a little team of micheouf. They follow each other, play together, and love each other.


  1. Laura, we shared in the ALT class today.

    I am interested in how you chose the web designer you did. I think I am very close to making this step too!

    Thank you.

    1. Hey Linda I actually searched etsy for a design I felt fit me. There are so many options out there it was nice seeing a bunch of them at once.
