Friday, February 15, 2013

Motherly Advice {Oh Deer We've Been Married for 4 Years}

Kaden and I have been married for 4 years now. WHAT!!??

We were married on February 14, 2009 in the Saint George temple for time and all eternity.

Way before Kaden and I ever got married or even engaged I remember driving in his big white king ranch and getting into a full on fight because I said "If I know one thing, my future husband won't be putting a deer up in my house." Obviously that did not sit well with Kaden.

If you know the Leavitt family at all then you would know that they are hunters. My family on the other hand is just from California and was literally in shock the first we saw a real stuffed animal.

For us with arguing comes compromise. It's hard we are both very stubborn and very dramatic. So compromising isn't always easy but it is essential. We have been married now for 4 years and it honestly seems like just yesterday we promised to be together for eternity.

In our first year of marriage we decided eternity would be a very very long time if we couldn't figure out how to get along. So compromise it was. If we fight over something we both know we have to be willing to give in some way. Key word in that last sentence is WE, it is never just one of us that gives.

The time came when Kaden talked about putting a deer on the wall. I not so politely said no thank you then had to give a little. We came to the conclusions of putting some sheds in the house instead. I still don't like them, at least they are supposedly trendy though and if anything they are a part of Kaden. Would he rather have a big ugly deer on the wall? Yes, of course. We both compromised though and agreed on the sheds instead.

Obviously our marriage is not always perfect but truly I wouldn't trade the last 4 years for anything. We have grown so much together and have experienced so much together. Kaden really is my best friend and I couldn't imagine having anyone else by my side. I am so grateful that he wanted to be my husband. Everyday we spend together is something new. He is such an amazing father and example to me and my daughter. We are each other's strength and i am definitely looking  forward to the rest of forever. 

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