Friday, June 28, 2013

Dear Leighton

Dear Leighton,

Somedays I just watch you in amazement. You have such a unique personality and you are only 1 year old. I laugh when I try to imagine what parts of you are from me and what parts are from your dad. Besides your blue eyes and your cute nose you are completely your own person. Auntie Maymay says your a little human. You are communicating so well using baby sign language, a few words and lots of screams. You throw the funniest fits and I never give in to them so I'm not sure why you keep trying but they do make us giggle. You have your own language filled with hey, hereyougo, tigletigle, pease, and mmm mmmm. Lately you have been very clingy and will stand on my toes and hold my legs when I do the dishes or make breakfast. Then you laugh and show me your toothy smile when I walk with you that way. I hope to always remember everyday that we get to spend together alone and that I never take them for granted. You melt my heart every morning with your tired eyes and messy hair and again each night when you have both a baba and Binki in hand and rock to sleep to my singing. I love you so much and am so blessed to have you for a daughter.


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