Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Motherly Advice {Get out of the house}

Leighton and I spend a lot of time outside. I tend to get depressed if I'm sitting in the house for too long. During the winter this means we are running a lot of errands and making a lot of unnecessary trips to cute little boutiques around Cedar. During the summer we find ourselves at a different park every other
day, at the gym and at the city pool.

Not only is this for my own sanity but for Leighton's as well. My little 1 year old is too smart for her own good but really I wouldn't have it any other way. She is so interested in the world around her I feel like I need to support that now so she can continue her joy for learning later.

We dig in the dirt, color with chalk, slash in water, dance to any sound that resembles music, climb whatever should be and look at everything.

The more we get out of the house the easier it is to do things in the house. I tend to keep the house cleaner, make meals more often and do more educational and productive things with Leighton and for myself (read more, play more, watch way less tv).

I highly recommend trying it. Take the next week to spend time outside. Now that its summer go soak up some vitamin D, learn something new and become happier at home.

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