Friday, July 18, 2014

Finding Me

Being a mom is not for the faint of heart. I am sure i've wrote that in previous posts but it really isn't. Somedays i envision being a mom in the same way i do running long distance. I start to feel over whelmed and think why did this sound like a good idea. The further into the day i get its like the longer i have been running, i start to feel numb and just let my body take over. Then when i put the girls to sleep and Leighton says i love you everything seems right in the world and so worth while. Just like finishing that last mile and taking in the runners high. With so many days like this I tend to feel like I am loosing myself. I would sacrifice everything that i am or have for my girls but where do i draw the line? How do i feel alive and not numb until it's time to go to sleep? Lately i have realized a huge problem i have is that i don't allow myself to dream or plan or even live. I hold on to what i have and keep my mouth shut in fear of losing it. The more i open up the more i realize i find myself. When i let people know how i feel, when i plan to enjoy my days with the girls, when i dare to dream of a new job or business. When i crawl out of the hole i have been hiding in i find all of the things that make this life beautiful. I need to do this more often. I constantly say how happy i am, and how perfect things are. They are, life is wonderful. It just sometimes is not my life. It is my life as a mom or my life as  a wife but there are so many more ways i define myself than those. Don't worry they are my top two. I just don't want to lose everything else that makes me, me and I am working on that.


  1. I just love the way you compared it to running, a perfect metaphor!

  2. whoops! rodney just messed up my last comment. just wanted to say good job writing all your feelings down. don't worry about good days and bad, your kids are still really little and it is a lot of hard work. you don't have to have it all figured out all at once. remember, rome wasn't built in a day : )

  3. I understand every word! For me, making time to exercise and work on photography helps me stay grounded while giving the rest of myself to my family. Hope you're able to find something that inspires you!

  4. This makes so much sense to me! While being a wife and mother is amazing, it's nice to be able to find something just for you as well.
