Monday, July 21, 2014

Motivate Me Monday- Get Out of That Shell

I have a lot of irrational anxieties that I tend to allow to hold me back from being a really awesome person. Most of the time I think, I'm out going, I'm fun, I'm cute and well rounded. I probably should have way more friends. I probably should have a booming business or more followers on the blog. What's my deal? Well let me tell you... The second I'm in situations that I feel like I don't control I totally clam up. I turn into the shyest person ever! A couple of weeks ago I attended Bright Nights. Let me just say It was Amazing! So many inspiring and beautiful women and I learned sooo much. I signed up for the event telling myself that I was totally confident and was going to leave with a hundred new friends. Uhh nope. I stressed too much about what to wear, thought I was running late so I didn't finish getting ready and I felt soo out of control, there were so many dominate personalities in the room that it was easy to go unheard. I learned a lot from this experience though, including ways to get over all my unnecessary worries. That i really do need to put myself out their more and be the person to start a conversation. No one is there to judge me or worry about what i am thinking so why do i worry that they are all making judgments about me? Alison from The Alison Show spoke and said so many perfect things. She gave us tools on how to be awesome and so many of them spoke to my soul. Like really perfect things for making my life so much happier. So far I have loved working on each of the steps given and seeing how they change my day or perspective on things. I found all of these saying and thought they were fit for the shy person i tend to be.


1 comment:

  1. You are beautiful. Go get em! I've come to the conclusion that I will never be a popular blogger (or even person for that matter!) but I do have a handful of REAL friends, a family whom I love and they love me, and I mostly like the girl staring back at me in the mirror. There's always room for improvement, but I am happy with me and my life. I think that's most important.
