Wednesday, September 24, 2014

First Day of Fall

Last week i sat down and wrote out a fall list. Everything i hope we can accomplish and do together as a family during the last beautiful season of the year. (I am not looking forward to winter) Yesterday we celebrated the first official day of autumn we played with friends and visited the cutest little local farm.  

 We love supporting local business and especially local farmers! We might be crazy but Kaden and i have had a strong belief that eating organic is best and if you can support your neighbors while doing it then why not? This little barn shop was the best and to make it even sweeter, it is ran by the honor system. It is nice to know there are still honest trusting people in the world.

 This was our first visit to the actual farm and it was absolutely adorable. Just a small two acre farm but still so much to see. Its amazing how much can grow on just a couple of acres.

 It is also amazing to see how the girls interact with nature. I love it! Being outside makes them so genuinely happy, its inspiring. This is a new family favorite and I am sure we will be back soon.


  1. What a fun way to kick off fall! Farms make the best memories.

  2. Love all the pictures and all you guys!

  3. Can you please write a a post of how you edit your pictures?
