Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Favorite Month

November 1-10


- So far it has been as busy of a month as October was. We have it planned to go to the valley every weekend for one thing or another. Ah who knows how we will afford this but its going to happen.

- Leighton and I headed to the valley the 1st, Thursday afternoon to get a head start on baking and organizing for Kaden and Sarah's yard sale and bake sale. The ride down was a little long because I thought it would be fun to stop and look for some cute new Leighton clothes. I should have waited though really the stores don't have too much right now. Friday we spent the day getting our bake on and man we really did. It was a lot of fun though, I only wish I was better at it.

- Saturday morning bright and early we all dragged our selves out of bed for the big sale. I was nervous that we weren't going to have very many people there and that we were going to lose out in money from it. Man I was wrong. We had an amazing turn out and the valley really supported Kaden and Sarah. It was sweet to see that so many people took an interest in their service trip.

- Kaden and I got the idea to sell pomegranates to help pay for the trip when we were down at Ron and Joyce's. We have done pretty good with that too and it had helped to pay for his trip which is so nice.

- We voted! Who we voted for may not have won the election but at least we went and put in our part. I hope that in the next 4 years things do start to turn around for our country. I guess we will see. There are a lot of people out there who have faith in our President and we do support him since he is the leader of our country. 

- This weekend Leighton and I went to the valley without Kaden, he had to stay home and work. Saturday was the Leavitt family reunion though, we can't deny that big of a family the chance to see Leighton so I went husbandless. The reunion was really nice, it was great to see all of Kaden's relatives. Really I think all the Leavitt men are pretty lucky, they have amazing wives. I love the women that I'm distantly related to by marriage. They are some of the most beautiful and kind women I've ever met. It's fun to talk with them and get to know them more.

- After the reunion Penn helped me pick more pomegranates. I hope he realizes how much I appreciate his help. I have orders for 18 dozen and I think we probably able to get all of them filled between Ron and Joyce's, Penn and Nancy's and Ty and Annie's pomegranate donations.

- Saturday night I got to my parents ward party. It was nice to see some familiar faces but it was sad to see how different the ward has become. I picture my old home ward to be one way and I still feel like I'm Laurel's president when I go there. I had a sweet moment remembering a ward party I went to in high school. As I put on lipstick and my jacket I laughed and thought of a Christmas party where Shalee wore some horrid lipstick and I wore the same jacket. We enjoyed the night laughing with Jace, Travis and Whitney.


- The photo business is not so easy anymore. I have never had such low prices and so few customers. It's hard times I guess. I just need to keep at it and hope for some up coming shoots.

- I am organizing my time a lot better and I am feeling happier because of it. I get my home cleaned, work done and do something for me time after Leighton is in bed. I am still learning how to be on a schedule though and my next task is actually getting ready for the day.

- I learned how to do a top knot! This is quite a big deal for me. Honestly you can not even imagine how many Pinterest tutorials I have read or how many you tube videos I have watched. As I was reading one the other day and looking at its pictures it just clicked and I did it! I may just wear a bun everyday for the rest of my life.


- I love November. After reading last months relief society message in the ensign I got so excited for November. I especially love the challenge I give myself to post something I am grateful for everyday. I feel so blessed! I know some people are skeptical of how I portray my life online but I honestly do not have anything to complain about. I am truly grateful for everything I have. To be real, money is tight but at least we can afford what we need. Kaden and I argue, but then we make up and make out. I am sick of school, but not of learning. Cedar is not my favorite place to live but it is beautiful, our families are close and we are surrounded by good people. I am not in shape but I am healthy and so Is Leighton. This list goes on but why think of things to complain about when I just have blessings that go along with them?

- I love that Kaden has been really trying to get his trip paid for. In case i have never mentioned this trip, Kaden and Sarah are going to the Dominican Republic for a week on a medical emmersion service trip. Sarah went on this same trip last May and fell in love with nursing, and serving the people of the Dominican Republic. It seems like such a special thing to have this opportunity for Kaden to experience helping people who live in such poverty. I am so excited for him, and it is coming up fast! I am pretty sure that they leave in 3 weeks.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


September 28-October 31


- This month has gone by so fast. Is it really November already? We have done so much. Sometimes I love staying super busy with all our travels but I am not a huge fan of living out of a suitcase or paying for gas.

- September 28 and 29 was homecoming weekend for SUU. Leighton and i got all spirited for it and went with Sarah to the pep rally and the football game. After being at SUU for so long it was funny to finally go to homecoming. Poor Leighton was pretty sleepy though.

- The first week of the month we went on our very first family vacation (real vacation). Kaden, Leighton, and I joined my parents and Sarah on a cruise to Mexico for 7 days. We were so spoiled. Our highlights included sleeping in, over indulging on good food, snorkeling in Cabo, taking Leighton in the ocean, relaxing, boogie boarding in Puerto Vallarta, watching dad go down a water slide, getting massages, playing bingo, and watching kaden ring some church bells in Puerto Vallarta.

- Two short weeks after the cruise we made our way back to California  This time we followed Penn and Nancy down for Troy and Sally's wedding (Kaden's uncle). The wedding was beautiful and it was nice to catch up with the Leavitt side of the family.

- After the wedding we drove up to Jimi and Heather's for the rest of the weekend. We love spending time with them and the boys and only wish we could see them more often. Sunday we were able to watch Justice play baseball. It's amazing to watch an 8 year old play sports as well as our high school teams. I love to brag about James and Justice because they are. seriously so awesome! Both boys are in gate programs, top athletes in all of their sports and so fun to be with. I got to play basketball with them Sunday night and it was a little intimidating. I'm such a cults and playing against 8 yr old and 11 yr old who are both bigger than you is not easy. Jimi and Heather also spoiled us with three delicious meals. Quash for breakfast, lure for lunch and some Mexican chile chicken for dinner. We kind of like food if you couldn't tell.

- The 26th Leighton and I to go down to Saint George with Ashley and her kids to a super fun Halloween party. Lindsi hosted it and she did a great job. All of the kids dressed up and looked so cute. It was also fun to see a bunch of girls from high school. It's always neat to catch up and see how good everyone is doing.

This is the cutest pumpkin in the world.
Leighton painted it and it makes me smile.

- The 29th was Kaden's birthday. It's hard to believe my hubby is 26 years old now. 10 years ago I was secretly twitterpaited over that dreamy football player. How time flys. For Kaden's birthday we went for a nice drive in his new jeep. We like going out into the mountains and the weather was perfect. It was a nice day.

- Halloween is not too exciting for an 8 month old. Really it was like any other day except Leighton wore a super cute outfit and we went to a ward party. For Halloween I dressed baby girl up like a Peacock. Umm let me tell you I planned this outfit for months and its the most crafty thing I've ever done. I wish it was normal to dress her up like this all the time because I totally would. I dressed up too, kinda, I was a mamma bird. Poor Kaden ended up working late so he didn't get to join in on our fun but he was going to be a bird watcher.


- slowly I am learning to be more outgoing and I have realized its because I have been working so hard on being more confident. I'm still not the bubbly loving person I wish I was but I am getting there. I wish there were classes for this. I would totally go to them.

- I need to focus myself on whatever it is I really want to do before I go insane. So I have decided to take next semester off of school and i really want to try to focus on photography. It is honestly my greatest love and I want to be creative and enjoy what I do so what better thing to put all my effort into?


- This past month i have loved all of the time i have spent with Kaden. I know i say this on almost every post but really time together is the most precious thing to us. We have never spent so much time as a family before like we have this month. I love that we have been actually planning and doing things together.

-I have also loved seeing all of our extended family. We have been able to spend more time than usual with my parents, in laws and have been able to see my uncles family and Kaden's uncles as well.

- This is so sad to say but i have also loved watching Leighton grow up so much this past month. She became a super crawler, climber, stander and wanna be walker. She thinks she is so silly now and so do we. She likes to eat by herself even if its the biggest mess in the world. She says bababababa i think it means eat or binki, half the time she attacks me to eat when she says it or she looks for a bink. Leighton also says mama but its more like MAM MAM MAM! She only says it after waking up or when she is looking for me. I'm sure both sounds actually don't mean anything yet but i like to think my daughter is super smart.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Cabin Weekends

September  14-23


- WooHoo! My parents finally got their cabin and we have spent the past two weekends there. It has been so fun decorating and cleaning getting it all set up just the way we want it. Our first weekend up there was Mom's birthday weekend. We got her some pretty cute stuff from Bulloch's that just happened to go perfectly in her new little home away from home.


- Last Monday Kaden, Leighton, and I headed to Salt Lake for the day to buy Kaden a Bronco. I told Kaden i would only go if he promised we could go to Temple Square. Of course i planned out our outfits and everything so we could take some cute pictures and I totally forgot my camera. Iphone photos of our trip only. Oh and we didn't even buy the Bronco. Poor Kaden still doesn't have his own vehicle.

- School craziness is finally catching up with me and I knew this next week will be super busy so i already started packing for our cruise. We are so excited! It is only 6 days away.

- Our second trip up to the cabin was a mostly a guy trip to get pipes and water tanks going. Sarah, Leighton and I tagged along to make them food. Of course we forgot quite a bit of the food though. The best meal was breakfast and Joe actually helped me make it.


- I don't really remember as many details about my life as I assume I do. This past week as I tried to recall specific details from my childhood I realized I couldn't. I remember random small blurbs like it raining so hard while I was in kindergarten that the gutters were over flowing and my mom and Chris were there with umbrellas when we got off the bus. I remember sitting on the counter in the palm view house making carrot soup (carrots, sugar, and water) while my mom was sleeping. I can picture perfectly the tree in the front yard that I loved to climb and the cracks in the concrete from the pepper trees in the yard. I remember the bushes that I liked to hide in and the fields that i liked to explore. I can picture very short clips of times I was playing with my friends like ducking under frisbees, riding our bikes around the block, digging holes, and all the times me or someone else got hurt. When I was thinking about all of the things I do remember I realized that there is so much more that I don't. I wish I could recall everything, but mostly I hope I don't continue to forget. I want to be able to tell my children about trips to froggy city, and the time I fell in love with a bird named little foot.

I think every week I will start posting about a memory but we will see.

-I want to do this because I also hope that I never forget the sweet things that I am experiencing right now. Every time Leighton laughs at Tiffany i pray I will always hear her sweet sounds. The way she pulls my hair or screams when she wants my attention. I even want to remember her beautiful cries and how they melt my heart when she is so dramatic.

 posting these just for Camille. Isn't she the cutest naked baby ever?


- I love gift giving holidays and I love my mom. So her birthday is so much fun for me. I got to go shopping for her and spend the weekend with her. She is the most amazing mother. She is beautiful and caring and funny and hard working and exactly what i hope to be like someday.

- I love moments that make me realize that  we are doing the right thing with our lives right now. I pray to know what we should be doing at this point, if going to school, being totally broke and barely scraping by is where we should be at this moment and then i read this at lunch one day. Then I went to the Brigham City temple dedication and left with no doubts in my mind that we are supposed to be here. We are supposed to be working on raising a family and building a foundation for the rest of our lives.

- I also love all of the time that Leighton gets to spend with her Great Grandma. I remember my great grandma Peggy but very vaguely and my sisters don't at all. It is a special thing that Leighton has 3 of them to love her.