Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Leighton's Birthday Party


Leighton turned 1 and a week later we threw a party!

I planned this party for months. I could picture her sweet little 1st birthday in my mind and her just loving it. She is so silly and gets so excited over balloons, music and food.

Leighton's party was definitely a success. She ran around with her cousins, opened lots of fun presents and ate the cutest little cake.

 Her party decorations were sooo cute! We hung streamers, tons of balloons and had fun pictures from her first year on the walls.
Leighton had 2 cakes. This cute little caterpillar one is from costco.

Sooooo many presents!
Its not a party if the birthday girl doesn't cry.
This beautiful smash cake was made by Jessica Leavitt, Leighton's aunt.

Kaden and I couldn't be more proud to be this beautiful little girl's parents. She has taught us more than we could have ever imagined in the past year. She keeps us on our toes and makes us both want to be better people. Leighton has such a large heart and already is so compassionate. She has brought a love into our lives that we would have never known with out her. Every day we thank our heavenly father for allowing us the chance to call Leighton ours.    

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Leighton's Birthday Disney Trip


- Leighton is a big 1 year old now! My baby is becoming a toddler and i'm not sure im ready for it. 

- For Leighton's actually birth-day we headed to Disneyland for the weekend. We had soooo much fun with my family and Uncle Jimi's family. We ate way too much and played hard. I think it was honestly the best weekend to be there. It was crowded but not too bad we were able to go on every ride we wanted to and take Leighton on lots of rides as well. Baby girl wasn't too thrilled with all of the rides but she really loved dancing and watching the shows and parades. 


- I loved watching Leighton light up when she heard music or saw a character. She loved the colors and all of the business around her. It is so amazing to see what my little one year old knows already. It was also soooo sweet to see Kaden light up when he watched Leighton having so much fun. When we left disneyland he was already planning our next trip.

Seattle Trip #3 {In Pictures}

* Ive already blogged about this trip but here it is in pictures.


Pikes Place-

 We made orange juice with these yummy oranges.

 There were flowers everywhere!

Theo Chocolate Tour
 Cacoa beans come from the Dominican Republic

 We all got to wear these awesome hair nets, even Leighton

Fisherman Terminal and Snoqualmie-

We loved walking around this small town and seeing all the old little buildings.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Back From A Blog Break

* I am a failure blogger. I wrote this a month ago.


- I cant believe i haven't blogged in over a month and a half. We have been so busy around here that sitting down at the computer at the end of the day has been the furthest thing from my mind.

- In February Leighton and I went back to Seattle for a week of working and visiting Camille, Alex and June. We had lots of fun shopping at west elm and world market to set up Cami's new office. Like always i had way too much ice cream but loved every bite.

- A couple of weeks later we hopped on a plane again and headed to Seattle, this time for vacation and this time Kaden came with us. It was so much fun to go somewhere for spring break as a family and to finally see everything in Seattle we never had the chance to before. We went to the Theo chocolate factory for a tour, out to a beautiful waterfall in Snoqualmie. We also went to a modern art museum and Kaden and I headed down to Gasworks park while the sun was out on our last day.

- When we've been home we have been trying to spend as much time outside as the weather will let us. If the sun is shinning and it isn't too windy, I take Leighton out for a run or to the park.

- So many other things have been happening but i want to dedicate an entire post to them.


- I have been learning a lot about what i am capable of. Since i have been working for The Dress Theory i have been busier than ever. I have been trying to spend more time with Leighton, and doing more things for Kaden. I feel like the more i push myself the more i realize i can do, and not in a crazy way.


- I have loved starting a new job. It honestly has been so perfect for me and my family. I get to talk to Camille more than ever, help brides, and I can do it from anywhere. Seriously I don't have to stop working just because I need to go grocery shopping or we want to go to the park.

- Leighton is getting so big! She is exuding with her own language and really mimics everything we do. She is such a little monkey. Honestly she climbs to the top of my desk every chance she gets. She s such a sweetheart (most of the time) I live when she cuddles with me or crawls in to my lap while she is playing with her toys. She is sooo in love with Kaden she will wrap her arms around his legs if he can't get them around his neck. As muh as I love watching her get bigger and discover new things, I wish t would slow down and she would stay little forever.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Motherly Advice {Oh Deer We've Been Married for 4 Years}

Kaden and I have been married for 4 years now. WHAT!!??

We were married on February 14, 2009 in the Saint George temple for time and all eternity.

Way before Kaden and I ever got married or even engaged I remember driving in his big white king ranch and getting into a full on fight because I said "If I know one thing, my future husband won't be putting a deer up in my house." Obviously that did not sit well with Kaden.

If you know the Leavitt family at all then you would know that they are hunters. My family on the other hand is just from California and was literally in shock the first we saw a real stuffed animal.

For us with arguing comes compromise. It's hard we are both very stubborn and very dramatic. So compromising isn't always easy but it is essential. We have been married now for 4 years and it honestly seems like just yesterday we promised to be together for eternity.

In our first year of marriage we decided eternity would be a very very long time if we couldn't figure out how to get along. So compromise it was. If we fight over something we both know we have to be willing to give in some way. Key word in that last sentence is WE, it is never just one of us that gives.

The time came when Kaden talked about putting a deer on the wall. I not so politely said no thank you then had to give a little. We came to the conclusions of putting some sheds in the house instead. I still don't like them, at least they are supposedly trendy though and if anything they are a part of Kaden. Would he rather have a big ugly deer on the wall? Yes, of course. We both compromised though and agreed on the sheds instead.

Obviously our marriage is not always perfect but truly I wouldn't trade the last 4 years for anything. We have grown so much together and have experienced so much together. Kaden really is my best friend and I couldn't imagine having anyone else by my side. I am so grateful that he wanted to be my husband. Everyday we spend together is something new. He is such an amazing father and example to me and my daughter. We are each other's strength and i am definitely looking  forward to the rest of forever. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Few Warm and Sunny Days


- Last week was nice and sunny. We all seemed to be a little happier around the house. Even Leighton seemed to notice that it was warm enough to be outside. We went jacket/bootless everywhere for a few days and even played at the park.

- Kaden has been studying hard and working hard. I think he secretly loves being a student since he only works like 24 hrs a week now instead of 40+ and 3 days instead of 5.

- I've been catching up on editing pictures and getting my hours up at work. Someone has to bring some money home right? Good thing i love both my jobs. It is so nice to do what i like.


- I need to get a better cleaning schedule going on. Right now it's kind of like chase Leighton around the house cleaning up her messes as she goes and it's not quite working. I don't know how people with little kids ever have a clean home.

- I'm obsessed with planning Leighton's 1st Birthday. We are going to Disneyland the day of (she's seriously the luckiest little girl) and then having a sweet pink and turquoise vintage themed party on the 30th of march. If you want an invite give me your address!


- I have loved watching Leighton grow up so much the past month. She is not only walking but running around everywhere. She is in love with her baby dolls. I bought her a mermaid when we were in Seattle and she sleeps with it every time she lays down. She has also started carrying around any small bag she can find like its her purse. She puts it in her arm and everything. I have a feeling I've created one expensive child.