Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just dreaming of a less busy, and more busy life

Do you think that would be too much to ask for a little extra time in the day? It seems like just when i think life is busy it gets even busier and my organizational skills and procrastination skills both try to take over. This week so far i have gone to work, gone to class, gone to work, worked out, and then came home to do online class and homework. Literally every day seems to feel like this. Greg Mortenson came to the school on Tuesday, and I got to help be in charge of Ushering in the 2000 people that came to listen to him and it was a great experience. I realized how much i love managing things, and how badly i really would like to do something drastic to help the world in a big way. Sadly though i did not have enough time to meet Greg Mortenson even though there was a 2 hour book signing after and i could have probably gone straight to the front of the line. Right after Convocations ends i have class and i have a huge practicum assignment due tomorrow that i have been working on with a group and couldn't miss, not even to meet Greg Mortenson. I am pretty sad that i didn't just take that opportunity to shake his hand, but i think that i also realized that somehow i can make time for everything. I know that im crazy busy right now but that life isn't going to slow down anytime soon. Hopefully it just keeps getting busier. And if i do ever do something drastic to help the world i will be a thousand times more busy then. (Yes, i do somehow plan on doing something to help the world in a big way.) Last night i told Kaden that i wanted to go to Afghanistan someday to see all of the schools that have been built and the progress that has been made in women's education, not anytime soon, but someday. He said he wouldn't go but that i could ha so im adding that to the list of somedays. I also told Kaden how inspired i have felt by some of the convocations that i have been able to go to and by this one and he said okay so how bout you open schools all over the world and i will  earn money racing to help pay for them. Ha Ha i love my husband. At least he would think of a way to support me if i really did it. Anyways though, i have three papers due in the morning that i haven't started yet. Tonight is definitely the night where my procrastination is winning.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Feeling So Blessed!

This year I set goals keeping in mind all of the things that could have made last year better for me. I decided I overall wanted to improve myself spiritually first, mentally second and physically third. I think physically and mentally go hand in hand but spiritually needs to be my main priority overall. I feel like if I don't do better in that area then I can't even start to improve in the other two. It isn't even the end of January yet and I am seeing so many great blessings come from keeping up with my goals. I feel the spirit all the time now and have been surrounded by amazing people. I have been blessed with the opportuniny of seeing several of my closest friends and getting to spend time with them. I have had some very emotional but amazing conversations with people that I barely get to talk too and I have been blessed with the strength to focus and enjoy my classes even when I have had migranes and I have been blessed with the strength to keep up with my busy schedule and still find time to eat healthy and work out regularly.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Whitney and Braden's Wedding

This past weekend i had the opportunity to travel up to Bountiful for one of my very Best Friends wedding. I went with Sarah and Sarany. Honestly i am not quite sure what i was expecting, but i was very excited to spend Whitney's special day with her. She was my first close friend who was married in the temple and that i was able to go through with. We left on Thursday and had some fun at her bridal shower that night, then we were invited to stay at her husbands parents house for the night. I honestly instantly fell in love with them. They were so sweet and so out going i felt so comfortable and at home with them. Friday the three of us (me, sarah, and sarany) went down to Provo to run some errands, eat at kneaders and catch up with a couple of old friends.  Then it was back to Bountiful to go through with Whitney while she took out her endowments. I don't even know how to describe how amazing this was. The spirit was so strong through the entire session and i felt just overwhelmed with happiness for her. While we spent some time together in the Temple i couldn't help but think of how proud of her i was and how ecstatic i was that she was now able to receive the blessings of the Temple. She was so prepared for this to see someone so close to me go through was just amazing. The next morning while Whitney and Braden were sealed to one another i felt the same way. How amazing is it be able to be married for time and all eternity and to really know you will be with your spouse forever! Watching the two of them be married really reminded me of just how grateful i am to have an eternal marriage with Kaden. The weekend was very spiritual for me, but i was also just a lot of fun. Friday night we decorated for the reception and then Saturday there was a luncheon and the reception. I ate way too much and got way to little sleep, but i loved every minute of it. I got to hang out with a few old friends which was so nice, and got to think of so many fun times i used to have. I even visited raintree which was a blast, we played kinect and im pretty sure i need one now. Oh and i got so play with a Sugar glider, tyler and jon have some and they are so cute! If i can convince kaden for us to have some, i will. Next weekend is an open house in the valley, and i am pretty excited for that too. I cant wait to decorate again and see the Happy Couple.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year, New Goals

Every year that Kaden and I have spent new years together, which has now been the past two years, we have said that we would set goals for the year together and then February comes and it has never happened and so we say lets set goals on our anniversary, then next thing you know its Christmas and we never set goals and the New Year is a week away. So i decided that this year im setting out to set some goals myself and Kaden looked them over and said they sounded good. I knew if i never wrote them down, they would never happen, so not only am i writing them down, i am posting them as well. I have divided them up into categories and tried to make goals that are high, but achievable.

Goals for 2011

Spiritual goals- attend church every Sunday (and stay all three hours), go to the temple at least once a month, read scriptures every morning, and say prayers morning and night.

Family goals- make more time for each other ( have at least two date nights a month), write Luke, support our brothers, sisters, and nieces in their activities, spend more time with Hannah and Katie.

School goals- Get straight A's next semester, get awarded an education scholarship, start substitute teaching, volunteer in elementary classrooms, finish all required classes to go into the block.

Health- work out 3+  days a week, cook dinner instead of eating out, make weekly menus, lose 10 pounds, do a good run out side at least once a week.

Places to Go- San Francisco in February, Alaska in June, Visit Jimi and Heather when school gets out, Tahoe for the 4th of July.