Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tomatoe Allergies Anyone?

That's right, I'm allergic to tomatoes. When I first started realizing this I thought it wouldn't be so bad, I don't like eating raw tomatoes and really are they in very much? Uh I was so stupid to think that. Tomatoes are honestly in everything. All the good foods have them, like pizza and pasta and my favorite soup from nordstroms and enchiladas and salsa and guacamole and my most favorite thing ever, bbq sauce. At first though my allergy only flared up when eating raw tomatoes now I feel like I'm on a diet that isn't healthy. All of my alternatives are high in day white sauve things. If anyone has good tomatoe-less recipes please let me know because unfortunatley this problem has put a damper on my dinner cooking too. All kaden wants to eat now is something with a tomatoe in it.

1 comment:

  1. i've gone tomato-less after every babe for at least a few months. i've got tons of good pasta recipes, pizza recipes, and an awesome guacamole one.

    shoot me your email

    anniecleavitt at gmail
