Monday, July 12, 2010

Melissa and Scott's Wedding

Melissa and I have literally known each other since we were born. The picture above was us on our first day of Kindergarten. We were next door neighbors and our families were best friends. We did everything together when we were little! Seriously everything. The McColley family has been such a huge part of my life and although we spent quite a few years apart it seems like their role in my life is the same as that of anyone else in my family. It was so great to see all of them and to catch up this past weekend. It felt like we had never moved out of our Palm view home and had stayed the same after all these years. Melissa and Scott's ceremony and reception was so beautiful! They are so great for each other, even though i only met Scott on Saturday he seems like such a perfect guy for Melissa. Their son Aaron is just beautiful too! He was so cute and so fun i honestly hope my future children can be as cute as him. My Mom, Sarah, and I had a blast with everyone that we caught up with and on our journey down there. The wedding was in San Diego at a really neat place in the harbor. The reception was so much fun! I am totally kicking myself in the butt for not taking any pictures. I saw a lot of girls that i grew up with and even went to girls scouts with it is so funny how much we have all changed and grown up but seriously look just the same. We did quite a bit of ridiculous dancing and we laughed so much, hands down one of the funnest weddings i have ever been too. Melissa and I got to catch up at the hotel after the wedding and play with Aaron while he drank his juice baba. Its so funny because Melissa used to only drink Juice ba bas too. Sunday we also enjoyed an amazing brunch with everyone before we headed home. I really hope that after this our familys will start to spend more time together again. It is so natural and fun being with them and it is so neat having all of us grown up and starting families of our own now.

4th of July Weekend

The fourth was such a fun weekend for us. We went to the Mammoth creek with my family and Joe and Tosha. I think that the pictures we got say more than what i could so i plan on posting a ton of them. The weekend started out with Sarah, My mom and I all going to Parowan for a parade that Sarah was in. Let me tell you it was the most exciting parade i had ever been too, just kidding. But we still had fun. Then later Saturday we decided that we didn't bring enough stuff so we drove down to Cedar, went to Walmart, and picked up Kaden and Tiffany. Sunday was so fun. We went on a super long trail ride all around mammoth and duck creek. We went to the Ice Caves and attempted going to a waterfall but the trail was all blocked off. We did a little fishing in the creek we were camped on and i actually caught a fish. Then Monday before we went home we took few pictures of Caden and got into a pretty good popper war. Thanks mom and dad for the weekend! Although we didn't do anything too patriotic other than wearing red white and blue I still felt so proud to be an American and i am so very grateful for this country and for everyone who protects it. I think that most of the time now people forget what a great nation this is and how blessed we are to live here, but i feel very blessed to live in the United States and i enjoyed celebrating the freedom that i have living here.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Blogs I Am Totally Crushing On

Can we just be in our house already? I believe i have been patiently waiting since April to find a home, buy a home, and move into it. Well now we have found it, are in the process of buying it, and will soon be moving into it. I seriously have been imagining the was ways I am going to paint the walls, where all of my photos are going to hang, where are books will be placed, what colors each room will be, and etc. To just completely add to my fantisizing i have been trying to think of ways i could get new furniture too. I have a few empty spots in my plan but everything i like is a little pricey and i want to be able to paint and decorate things my self so of course i turned to all the adorable diy blogs that are out there. Here are few sites i am totally crushing on.

Knock-off Wood

I totally could make these myself! I would be in love with doing them too. Uh Kaden totally just put a damper on my book shelf though, but i think he will come around to it because he hates our 20 dollar big lots ones.

I Heart Nap Time

Brown Paper Packages
cute towell rack. Im thinking of making it smaller though and just saying His and Hers

Okay so those were just a few little things. I have so many ideas that go through my mind, I am sure next week i'll picture my home looking totally different. Have fun looking through these sweet blogs!


Yes! I am in love with twilight. I used to be totally against and the person who refused to read the books because everyone else was doing it. Then i found Edward. Okay a little exaggerated. But i do really enjoy the books and the movies. Movies i enjoy only because of the books though. It was so fun last night though hanging out waiting for Eclipse. Sarah, Heather, Ashley, Kayli, her friend and I all waited in line starting at 9:30 10:00 ish. We had a great time talking about the books, cheering on Edward, (ashley and heather cheered on Jacob) and just being husband and baby-less for the night. We got great seats, and i ate almost an entire tub of popcorn. The movie was also by far the best so far. Woo Woo for higher budgets. We didn't take very many photos but this is what we got.

Beach Trip

Last Saturday Kaden, Sarah, Luke, Vance, and I packed up and headed to the beach at 4 in the a.m. I drove the entire way and i was so excited the entire time. The drive to California is so easy and natural to me, i know that sounds weird but i totally feel like I'm going home every time i do it. I was grateful that Kaden never bugged me about driving, he graciously allowed me to get us to each destination even after i backed into a Lexus on Balboa Island, but I'll talk more about that later. Our first stop on the trip was Newport beach, we got there around 9 and it was still pretty over cast and a little chilly so we decided to scope out some shops and get into our swim suits in hopes of killing time and the clouds burning off, it took a little longer than we wanted it to though and we ended up on Balboa Island shopping around before we saw the sun.

I forgot my Camera card so for now these are the lovely pictures you get to see of us wasting our time before we made it to the beach. So now we are to the backing into the Lexus story. Balboa island is super ritzy and honestly we were by far the crappiest car there in my moms Honda pilot. I made Kaden parallel park the car when we finally found a spot because well in Moapa Valley you don't need to know how to do that in order to pass your driving test, i should know. I hit the cones and drove onto the curb when i took mine, and sadly i passed with a high score. So anyways when we were leaving the island and heading to Laguna i couldn't see very well when i was pulling out and this was how it happened.

Vance- "Kaden maybe you should do this."
Kaden- "No Laura better be able to do this at least."
Me-" Im fine just tell me how far i can back up."
Kaden-" Oh you have a good five feet."

Then half a foot later i hit the Lexus. Not even exaggerating. So it wasn't really my fault it was Kaden's ha ha, and there was no harm done. So we left and drove down to Laguna. While we were there we searched out the tide pools and played in the water. Seriously the beach was packed but there were so many big waves there it was crazy. We got tossed around in the water quite a bit but we had a blast.
 Saturday after our blast at the beach we went to dinner at downtown Disney with my best friend Camille and her cute boyfriend. It was so nice catching up with them and hanging out for a bit. I miss her so much! Its always so great when i get to see her.
Sunday morning when i woke up i found Luke, Sarah, and Vance sharing a bed. It was too funny so i got a picture. Talk about family Love. After getting up for the day we did a hole lot of shopping again but didn't buy too much, except for i did get an adorable pair of coach shoes. Ah can i even try to explain how much i love coach shoes? I doubt it, so im not going to try.After shopping we headed to the beach once again, but it was a little cold and overcast and there were no signs of it burning off. We only stayed long enough to get a ticket which was like two hours and two minutes since our meter had two hours worth of quarters in it. Then we drove home and stopped for a yummy dinner at Claim Jumper. Kaden has been craving it forrrreevveeerrr (think sandlot.)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day Care at the Park

Yesterday we spent a quite of bit of time at the park. When i say we, i mean eight adorable day care kids and myself. It was definitely my favorite day at work this week. Our kids are always entertaining but today they were great! completely sweet, or sweet enough i didn't dwell on the not so sweet parts and totally funny. It honestly was one of those days that just made me feel so blessed to work with children. Our time at the park totally reminded me of all the reasons i want to spend the rest of my life whipping booger noses and  putting up with whiny voices. I absolutely love to watch kids grow, and learn, and understand things, but most of all i love to learn, and grow and understand things from them. Children can be so considerate and so caring and polite that it amazes me how much of that we lose as we get older, I really hope i am still child like in that way though. Here are a few things that completely melted my heart yesterday.

Rhiley- "Miss Laura could you please untie my shoe for me, and make it look like a bone thats pretty like my other shoe, please."

Bronson- "Miss Laura could i have some water?" I give Bronson his water and he pours it on the ground. "Bronson what are you doing? I thought you were thirsty?" "I was but the ground looked thirsty too."

Emma- "Hey umm Miss Laura can you make me do the monkey bars, Please? If you hold me the hole time then i can reach them."