Monday, June 17, 2013


Lived, Learned, and Loved.

I think I've mentioned a few times now how crazy of a year this has turned out to be and how much crazier it will be getting. If you don't already know let me start to tell you. (Everything at once might just blow your mind.)

Due 10- 30-13

Back in January something happened that made me realize I wanted some "me" time before ever having another baby. Part of it may have been that winter is never an emotionally easy time for me but another part loved having the freedom to travel and play as much as Leighton and I do.

After coming home from my first Seattle trip I told Kaden "I refuse to have another baby before Leighton is 3 years old." I think he was in shock but knew I was serious and every form of birth control was started.

After coming home from my second Seattle trip Kaden walked in the house and I said with a mixture of laughing and crying "I am pregnant!"

If you follow the blog at all then you would know that my second trip to Seattle was in February. So we have kept baby number 2 a secret for quite some time now.

This pregnancy has been very similar to Leightons. During the first trimester I had morning sickness everyday along with a migraine and acne. This time it was nice though because I didn't have any classes to go to and I didn't have to leave the house for work. Poor Leighton went a little stir crazy but somehow we both survived.

The second trimester has been good to me. The sickness is all gone and I feel amazing. So far I've gained more than I would have liked but its probably better since I have not slowed down on running and working out at all. I thought I was active when I was pregnant with Leighton but I've kicked it up a notch this time. The baby has been busy kicking around since about 16 weeks and so far everything seems to be healthy and great.

 We Are Having A Girl!!!

Kaden really went through a thing of not wanting to find out the sex of the baby. As this is my second pregnancy and i have been so busy and excited with other things and loving my time with just Leighton i felt a little less connected with the baby than i felt like i should be, i thought finding out the sex of the baby would help this.

At our 20 week ultrasound the tech asked if we wanted to know the sex and Kaden said "might as well i already know its a girl." I laughed because honestly i thought it might be a boy but Kaden was right.

We are all three very excited to invite our new little one into our family. Leighton helped me pick out a blanket and stuffed animal just for our new little one. With all the changes coming our way it only seems to fit that we will be having a baby as well. Even though Kaden and I thought we wouldn't be having another child so soon we know the Lord had a different idea in mind for us. When i was in shock with finding out, Kaden calmly said "We are obviously meant to have this baby for a reason. It took us two years and a lot of help to have Leighton and this baby came while we were trying everything possible not to have a baby." I was so grateful for his reaction and for how excited he has been through out the entire pregnancy. Only 20 weeks to go and our little girl will be here and Leighton will be a big sister!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Motherly Advice {A Little Loving Support}


Or should i say marriage advice...?

Kaden has been working like a crazy person ever since he got out of school. When i say crazy person i really mean it. 100+ hours a week is not what any sane person would work. Especially if they worked at a job where they weren't treated well, ever given enough credit, or paid nearly as much as any other person in their same position. (Can you tell the mine is not my favorite place?)

Sometimes it is really frustrating to go at least 12 hours a day with out seeing Kaden and with Leighton running around the house asking for Dada. To add to the frustration I tend to work all day every day as well. I may be home with Leighton but i am usually on the phone with her pulling at my legs or trying to find a high enough place to sit where she won't bang on my computer while i'm sending emails.

So anyways once we finally sit down to dinner at 8:00-9:30 at night we have to take the time to talk and ease one-anothers day, even if it is only for a few minutes. Kaden comes home soooo tired but always willing to help with Leighton and listen to me talk about all of the things i did through out the day. I can not even tell you how supportive it is to me.

What makes Kaden feel supported? I took a few days off of emails and most calls and deep cleaned our entire house. Honestly our bedroom has never looked this good. With the house so spotless it is so much easier to keep everything put away and cleaned during the day. So when Kaden gets home the house is clean. He is honestly somewhat of a clean freak and it makes him so much more comfortable when he walks in to a clean space, especially because he feels like work is such a dirty place. The other thing that he loves is having dinner ready. He is one cranky guy if he is hungry, eating first thing keeps the cranky away.

We are not perfect in this area but we are definitely doing really well in it. We sat down awhile ago and actually talked about what the most important things were that we appreciated from one another and what the things were that we felt were hard for us to deal with. Ever since we have both made such huge efforts and have seen such a difference in how much happier our marriage is and how much easier it is to do things for each other, we only wish we would have thought to do this sooner.

How to support each other?
- do not complain about each others jobs.
- talk about what would help you to feel better everyday.
- make a solid effort to do whatever will help each other overall.
- make time for each other every day.

Why support each other?

To me a marriage is a partnership. Both people need to be willing to do their part to make it work. As much as we all like to think marriage is about being googley eyed in love. It really isn't. No matter how much Kaden and I love each other we would never stay together if we didn't commit to one-another every day to make our marriage succeed. Supporting each other in all of our endeavors is what makes our marriage succeed. When one of us feels a greater weight on shoulders than the other we tend to become frustrated and overwhelmed only causing us to argue more often and have contention in our home. We have come to realize supporting each other is key to our marriage being happy and strong. It helps us to feel like equals in both work and family matters and allows us to communicate more and best of all love more as well. When we were first married i would always say i need to feel more loved and Kaden would say the same thing. Little did we know that our definition of love really meant we needed to feel supported.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Summer Time


We are loving this summer season so far and can not get enough of the sun! Leighton and i find any excuse possible to hang out in our swimsuits and shorts. Cedar City has blessed us with some amazing weather, i think it is trying to convince us to stay. (hint hint)

Last week we visited Logandale for a few days. Minus melting in the heat we enjoyed our time there. I could have lived in this pool if my life didn't consist of sitting in front of a computer, iPad, and two different phones. Side note, how in the world does anyone work out in the Valley? I woke up early every day to run and it was way too hot. 

Leighton is such a little fish! She loved being in the water so much she even convinced Grandpa to take her swimming. Can you believe it, this little red head still hasn't been sun burned. I am so grateful and so crazy about sun screen.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Motherly Advice {Get out of the house}

Leighton and I spend a lot of time outside. I tend to get depressed if I'm sitting in the house for too long. During the winter this means we are running a lot of errands and making a lot of unnecessary trips to cute little boutiques around Cedar. During the summer we find ourselves at a different park every other
day, at the gym and at the city pool.

Not only is this for my own sanity but for Leighton's as well. My little 1 year old is too smart for her own good but really I wouldn't have it any other way. She is so interested in the world around her I feel like I need to support that now so she can continue her joy for learning later.

We dig in the dirt, color with chalk, slash in water, dance to any sound that resembles music, climb whatever should be and look at everything.

The more we get out of the house the easier it is to do things in the house. I tend to keep the house cleaner, make meals more often and do more educational and productive things with Leighton and for myself (read more, play more, watch way less tv).

I highly recommend trying it. Take the next week to spend time outside. Now that its summer go soak up some vitamin D, learn something new and become happier at home.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Our Life


I started out the year with a goal of blogging twice a week and really doing well at writing down our family adventures and my personal thoughts and feelings. Needless to say that didn't even last two months.

Life got away from us is an understatement. I am not sure where mid February to the past week went. Everyday seems to pass faster than the last and all I seem to accomplish is getting out of bed, working out, chasing Leighton around the house and answering work calls and emails.

Somewhere in between I did pack quite a few suit cases and go on plenty of trips. Sadly I didn't keep a very good record of them though.


In these crazy few months I learned not only about my personal strength but my families as well. I don't know if we have ever been so close or so happy. Kaden and I have been communicating better than ever and both of us have supported each other in ways that we only read that we should in the first three years of our marriage.


I've loved finding something that honestly I have a true passion for. I've loved all the opportunity that we have been given this year and loved that everything about this year has been completely different than what Kaden and I originally planned for. This was going to be a year of staying in Cedar, saving all of our pennies and figuring out what we wanted to accomplish in our lives. Instead... It's rare if we are home and its only going to get worse. We are spending every dime we have and then some, and well we are going to go ahead and start that life sooner rather than later.

This year has been full of so many blessings that we never even thought to ask for.

Sorry if this a little vague. More details to come in the next few weeks.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Leighton's Birthday Party


Leighton turned 1 and a week later we threw a party!

I planned this party for months. I could picture her sweet little 1st birthday in my mind and her just loving it. She is so silly and gets so excited over balloons, music and food.

Leighton's party was definitely a success. She ran around with her cousins, opened lots of fun presents and ate the cutest little cake.

 Her party decorations were sooo cute! We hung streamers, tons of balloons and had fun pictures from her first year on the walls.
Leighton had 2 cakes. This cute little caterpillar one is from costco.

Sooooo many presents!
Its not a party if the birthday girl doesn't cry.
This beautiful smash cake was made by Jessica Leavitt, Leighton's aunt.

Kaden and I couldn't be more proud to be this beautiful little girl's parents. She has taught us more than we could have ever imagined in the past year. She keeps us on our toes and makes us both want to be better people. Leighton has such a large heart and already is so compassionate. She has brought a love into our lives that we would have never known with out her. Every day we thank our heavenly father for allowing us the chance to call Leighton ours.    

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Leighton's Birthday Disney Trip


- Leighton is a big 1 year old now! My baby is becoming a toddler and i'm not sure im ready for it. 

- For Leighton's actually birth-day we headed to Disneyland for the weekend. We had soooo much fun with my family and Uncle Jimi's family. We ate way too much and played hard. I think it was honestly the best weekend to be there. It was crowded but not too bad we were able to go on every ride we wanted to and take Leighton on lots of rides as well. Baby girl wasn't too thrilled with all of the rides but she really loved dancing and watching the shows and parades. 


- I loved watching Leighton light up when she heard music or saw a character. She loved the colors and all of the business around her. It is so amazing to see what my little one year old knows already. It was also soooo sweet to see Kaden light up when he watched Leighton having so much fun. When we left disneyland he was already planning our next trip.